WorldEdit //replace with clipboard?
I am trying to make a forest with //pos selections of premade trees. Is it possible for me to scatter something like sponge blocks and then copy a tre that I have and then "//replacenear 50 sponge clipboard" and then have the sponges being replaced by the selecton on the clipboard?
10 Replies
sorry i clicked enter to fast i didnt check it
give me sec
I tried that but is just replaces the single sponge block with one block from the clipboard
you need to make huge cube of sponge and than use command
i tried that too and it just replaces the sponge blocks with random blocks from the clipboard.
But I found another way
maybe use brush?
With //brush clipboard -a
i predicted what you send lol
It still pits the blocks half way in the ground but I can //copy a 4 block high log and //brush clipboard -a that and then dot the land with the half buried logs and then I can aim for the tops of the logs to put the trees in.
Comes out great 😄

Trying it without the 4 block tall log.