Server Crashing

So I’ve got a Fabric 1.20 server running with Lithium, SimpleVC, Ledger and Spark. I’m having random crashes both with and without players online more often with players. No crash reports are created. Just reports of the server running X ticks behind. The host panel (Nodecraft) shows 90% ram usage with 4 players online, that seems excessive given we’re all within a few thousand blocks of spawn. However the spark health check only shows about 25% ram usage. CPU usage seems to have similar discrepancies. Specs are 2core 4gb ram 80gb HDD. Server render distance is set to 5 chunks. Any thoughts/insights are appreciated. I recently switched from a 1.19 spigot server but it had similar weird reportings with the same number of players online and the same specs.
24 Replies
jaegyu2y ago
you’re probably running out of memory, and if you’re in linux it will kill the process, but 4 gigs does seem excessive i wonder if it’s because of 1.20 oh 1.19 also i’m just illiterate, don’t mind me
The Casual Game Addict
I know *nix will kill the process if it hits an OOM. Seems like that should report somewhere in the logs… unfortunately I don’t have access to the underlying server so I can’t check anything in /var etc. I suppose I could maybe enable JMX and point my zabbix server at it… that’s a lot of extra work 😂😂
jaegyu2y ago
yeah, i can never really gage how much people know about linux, but if your server ooms it wouldn’t show up in the minecraft logs
piggy2y ago
jaegyu.qoi has reached level 2! Roles Added: Level 2
jaegyu2y ago
oh wow
The Casual Game Addict
Yeah. That’s the aggravating thing about not having underlying access to the server. Also probably what I get for being a lazy bum and taking the easy road for server hosting 😂. I deal with servers all day every day. Minecraft is supposed to not be a headache 😂
jaegyu2y ago
yeah, i host through aws and honestly, it ain’t that bad
The Casual Game Addict
jaegyu2y ago
yeah i’m a masochist
The Casual Game Addict
How’s the pricing stack up? I have a love/hate relationship with AWS
jaegyu2y ago
depends on your instances let me recheck specs and pricing
The Casual Game Addict
But yeah irregardless 4gb of ram seems like it should be more than enough for the 4 players we have right now. It’s just me and a couple friends
jaegyu2y ago
m6a.large (2vCPU, 8GiB) is 0.0864 per hour, or $62 per month, but I only have it online about 30% of the time since I host for like 3 friends r6a.large (2vCPU, 16 GiB) is 0.1134 per hour, or $81 per month anyway, yeah I agree but im not too sure if the changes with the caves and cliffs update eat up that much ram or not ill open spark profiler and ill see how my server idles with no plugins
jaegyu2y ago
spark is a performance profiler for Minecraft clients, servers, and proxies.
jaegyu2y ago
1.7-2.5 GB but im idle and not generating a whole lot of terrain
The Casual Game Addict
jaegyu2y ago
i am on spigot but it shouldn't differ too much
The Casual Game Addict
That’s interesting though 2ish gigs on average for one player
jaegyu2y ago
yeah, minecraft has gotten heavier since 1.18 i used to be able to run a tiny server off of 512MB lmao
The Casual Game Addict
Yeah. I’m so used to what I do for work it’s crazy the specs needed for MC. I do data engineering and system integration. I deal with Linux servers all day every day and they all run like 2-4gig of ram with lots of large datasets moving through them at any time lol.
jaegyu2y ago
yeah, minecraft is also single threaded, so having more than a couple cores doesnt provide much benefit for smaller servers
Pingu2y ago
I've also got a Fabric 1.20, with Lithium and SimpleVC. I originally had Ledger on it. 8GB ram, i7, etc. We had constant lag and crashes - with just 3 players on. Once removing Ledger though everything suddenly became fine. So perhaps just an issue with the current version of Ledger?
jaegyu2y ago
that was my guess, but I wasnt sure and I didnt want to make any assumptions
The Casual Game Addict
That’s an interesting note. The players I have right now are trustworthy so I can probably get by without it. Maybe I’ll try that

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