I would like to create a hologram showing the top 5 richest players but can not figure out how to do it. I've tried several different placeholders, and the only tutorial i can find is on your locked reddit
7 Replies
well do u have placeholderapi?
%lighteconomy_money% have u used this
i do have PAPI, i tried %vault_eco_balance_formatted% but does not show a specific players balance. Just shows mine.
I would like to show the balance on the left of the player on the right.
Currently $%vault_eco_balance_formatted% shows my personal characters balance
well thats not what ur mean to do tho
did u create the leaderboard placeholder with ajleaderboards?
probably not, didnt know i needed to
thats how ajleaderboards works
doesnt do anything if u dont
oh okay, let me look into it thanks
i figured it out. had to use esentials placeholders