batch file to automatically restart server?
just wondering how to write a reliable batch file that'll restart my minecraft server
480 Replies
are you on windows or linux?
if you're on linux I actually use this shell script for my servers:
give me a few then, i’ll look into it
this seems to be a 1:1, if you have any problems let me know
make sure to replace your JAVA variable, yours probably wont match mine
jdk is the variable?
thank you btw
do i alsao set the directory?
i run this in the same directory as the server.jar file
it’s where your java.exe is installed. if you only have 1 java version installed you can probably replace it with just
i ran the original script on a linux box with multiple java installs and having to change the default one back and forth was annoying
setting JAVA
to java.exe
works, as long as you have only one install (I just tested this)
should be set to whatever your jarfile is named.
is your minimum ram, and RMAX
is your maximim ram.
youre welcome though lolthank you som uch
yeah i meant do i copy and paste the directory windows would give me?
wait no
not sur
im sorry i can barely comphrehend batch
okay i took a long and hard look at it
heres my ls output in the server folder
set "JAR=server.jar"
i change this
and this?
set "JAVA=C:\Program Files\Eclipse Adoptium\jdk-\bin\java.exe"
give me 2 seconds rq
you can put
so like
use ```
before and after
@echo off
set "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java.exe"
set "JAR=server.jar"
set "RMIN=6G"
set "RMAX=8G"
"%JAVA%" -Xms%RMIN% -Xmx%RMAX% -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabled ^
-XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=200 -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions ^
-XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch -XX:G1NewSizePercent=30 ^
-XX:G1MaxNewSizePercent=40 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=8M -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 ^
-XX:G1HeapWastePercent=5 -XX:G1MixedGCCountTarget=4 -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=15 ^
-XX:G1MixedGCLiveThresholdPercent=90 -XX:G1RSetUpdatingPauseTimePercent=5 ^
-XX:SurvivorRatio=32 -XX:+PerfDisableSharedMem -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=1 ^
-Dusing.aikars.flags= ^
-jar "%JAR%" nogui
echo "If you want to completely stop the server process now, press Ctrl+C before the time is up!"
echo "Rebooting in:"
for %%i in (12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1) do (
echo %%i...
timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul
echo "Rebooting now!"
goto loop
like that?yeah, that'll work
remove nogui if i want to use gui?
thanks alot man
what server do you use
np bro, you can @ me if you have any questions
id suggest paper or purpur
yeah im using purpur
but i mostly do forge stuff
i mean
and i been scowering the internet for paper configs
to mkae most farms work
isnt there a documentation?
because paper fucks up alot of auto farms
i should probably look into that
Paper Server Administration | PaperMC Documentation
Welcome to the Paper Server Administration Guide! This guide includes information and tutorials
but i can always go to spigot for a more vanila feel
yeah, im impartial either way, i dont do a whole lot of vanilla server stuff anymore
yeah i feel you
thanks for the help though
np at all
i can barely understand batch
i wrote my own batch file to automatically restart it but i guess it lasted like 4 days when i was gone
it was like 3 lines
does your server crash often?
or whats happening?
goto start
that was it
no its running on an optiplex
i use to use fabric
the server is running on 6gbs and a 6th gen i5
in all fairness, thats basically what happens in my script, i just have a lot of jvm flags
i switched to paper for something lighter
what do the jvm flags do specifically?
Aikar's Thoughts
JVM Tuning: Optimized G1GC for Minecraft - Aikar's Thoughts
Learn more about my In depth study on tuning the G1GC garbage collector to be optimized for how Minecraft servers run, and keep low pause efficient usage.
could i do 1gb minimum and 6gb max?
i always used that but im not sure how effective it was
to my limited understanding, default jvm garbage collector isnt the best performance you can get for a minecraft server, and the flags help make it work a lil better
anyway, what version of minecraft?
so stuff is really new
its just the annual summer minecraft sevrer i host with my friends
at peak hours its like 8-12 people
if you're using something pre 1.18 thats probably fine, but latest id do 4gb minimum, but dont set the max to be more than like 50% of your physical ram
im currently using 6gbs of ram because i have 8 in my other system
and windows need 2gbs minium
do you use the second pc at all?
not at all
just occasionally to check logs
if i dont have rcon
set up
i dont mean to be one of those people, but linux for server stuff is generally really nice compared to windows
i used to use rcon
yeah i know
i was going to use linux
i actually installed linux on this laptop i was originally use for the server
but i only have a 64 gb flashdrive
and it takes forever to flash it
i cant find the flash drive i had linux on'
its somwhee
yeah, its not too bad tbh
i even might have the ssd the server is on partitioned
ready for linux too
but it was a pain writing in the terminal
not sure if i want to go through it a second time
like i watched a tutorial to install chrome
oh, its usually just
sudo apt-get update
, sudo apt-get install google-chrome
but there are gui tools in linux
and i mde it so like
i didnt need to type in my password to sudo
i frogot
not sure what i did but i did something along those lines
or wtv
i still have to look it up sometimes, but i dont really do it anymorei might use a lighter distro
made for servers
i use ubuntu server 22.04
there was a distro for minecraft servers
ubuntu server just seems too troublesome to work with
its just lines of text
you can have a desktop
yeah, if you dont install it with the installer you can just
sudo apt-get update
(this just makes sure you have the latest package information) and then sudo apt-get install gnome
or something along those lines
it should be in the installer tho
im checking it rni want to switch to linux right now but its 11pm and i have the server up and running
i want to stress test it whilst its whilelisted
but idk how
GitHub - crpmax/mc-bots: A simple app used for stress testing Minec...
A simple app used for stress testing Minecraft servers with bots - GitHub - crpmax/mc-bots: A simple app used for stress testing Minecraft servers with bots
I wouldn't know either, i just run servers for a couple friends lol
the server runs like
5-10ms with two people on
5-10 mspt?
or 5-10 ms ping?
whatever the gui uses
is it laggy then?
fluctuates low
oh wait
for me its perfect
brain rot
tps is constant 20
with 2 people on
yeah then its probably ping
its ping
idk what the gui says tbh
he lives like 30 miles away from me and he sometimes get 1000ms
at spikes
i think its his internet because everything is moving perfectly form e
it could be your upload speed
my router is dying
constant disconnects recently
going on for like months now
oh you're fine
however the pc im uising is connected to my router via ethernet
is the server box connected with a wire?
it was probably him
probably then
i have th eserver backing up to a google drive via plguin too
thats smart, i was using a cron job in linux lmao
its like task scheduler
more power to you
i used to be worried about partitioning the drive because i used to uise this fabric mod that would backup the server onto the drive
and the sevrer was so huge because i prelaoded like 9k blocks out
its a 256gb drive so thats like
9 minecraft worlds
your worlds are 30 gigs?
used to be
well that was when we like prerendered 9k blocks out in every cardinal direction
that was fabric though
thats crazy, largest ive had was 10, but we've only had 3-5 players and we all kept close together
yeah people in my friend group hate each other
diamonds get stolen
stuff like that
i have the server on a thumbdrive
yeah in modded mc resources stop mattering after the first week or so
u think its too late to switch to linux?
u think it effects server preformance by alot?
im not too sure how the performance will be, but its never too late because minecraft uses java, and java is platform independent for the most part
oop, can you show me your server folder?
definitely a me issue and not a you issue
do you have a
?renamed it to paper.jar
and it’s paper jar in the run batch
oh, did you rename it within the script too?
can you go into batch and type
echo %JAVA_HOME%
or cmd not batchyeah i was wondering
ur asking it repeat java home
oh yeah hold up
no, you just dont have the variable set it looks like
thats fine
you can just go to your search bar, type
and then hit open file location
if its already in your path though, which it probably is, you can put java.exe
in the script instead of anything else
something like:
set "JAVA=java.exe"
like that?
oh remove
set %JAVA_HOME...
i think you showed that to me and i gave it the ok
i dont do a whole lot of batch, and thats on meno i mean the whole line
sorry for not being super clear lmao
it works? previously
okay now it works
well id remove the line even if it works
without saying something undefined
yeah that was mb in general, glad its working now
yeah so is 1gb and 6gb fine?
or should i do 4gb and 6gb
either or is fine, but itll probably expand to 4 gigs anyway
reboot works perfectly fine
that’s sweet
with the heap dtuff in the batch file means memory dump is lower?
like how 2Pi did his mod?
holy shit i just remmebered 2Pi
this guy
before the days of clients
here is what aikar said about the option:
o barelt understand that
if it goes over a memory threshold it will resort to old generation?
i'm not a jvm options specialist by any means, so take EVERYTHING with a grain of salt, but my understanding is that by default the jvm will set the setting too small, and the garbage collector has a harder time to free memory
i’m a washed up 1.8 player who enjoys survival this stuff is out of my pay grade but it’s interesting to read about
it’s like reading spanish but only understanding parts of it
lmao, i still play on 1.3 and 1.4 sometimes
but i've spent most of my time also in 1.8
pot pvp servers and hypixel took up most of my tween years
i used to blatantly hack on skywars when i was like 12
i remember when i was like 7 playing java because i was begging my parents for java
i didnt get banned until after I stopped playing
i was a mineplex kid
dominate was my favorite game mode
i was a mega walls kid lmao
i remember the midnight release of skywars on mineplex lol
i was playing minecraft on a windows 7 with an old ass radeon card
quad core intel chip
shit was bumping 100fps on a good day
if you want i can invite you to my server i’m hosting its vanilla you seem pretty chill
if you’re so enticed
just a bunch of high schoolers messing around and stuff
we’re waiting for one of dudes to come back from rome to hop on so we have few days
i've only recently graduated and i have the free time in between my self studies
yeah i’m the youngest in the group
most of them graduated
some are freshly seniors
just dm me the ip
its not up yet u mind a server for now?
yeah sure
sorry im also walking my girlfriend through basic html/css lmao
i was thinking of rhel, not ubuntu, but you can still install a desktop pretty easily
still the same install process, just not in the installer
awel it is a distro
yeah, either ubuntu or ubuntu server are fine
anything other than that and you're getting into niche territory and you wont get much help
bro my server just turned off to update 😭
what the fuck
i was running test on the server
and it just randomly turned off
so i went downstairs
and this bitch is updating 😭😭
you r fucking with me
i’m turning auto update off
windows really said
that’s insane
"how many updates"
you dont really need to reboot linux after an update unless its a kernel update
or a kernel module update, but you dont really have those unless you need gpu support
i turned off updates for the machine
god this is telling me to install linux
i really am that guy i guess lol
chatgpt write a config yml for one of the plguins
i do it sometimes
usually I use it to write my structs in go I use to marshall json and yaml data into
TAB Configuration File Update check configuration update-check: enabled: true interval: 3600 # Check for updates every 1 hour (in seconds) Header configuration header: enabled: true text: "&bWelcome to the server!" # Customize the header text fade: enabled: true fade-in: 20 # Header fade-in time (in ticks) stay: 60 # Header stay time (in ticks) fade-out: 20 # Header fade-out time (in ticks) Footer configuration footer: enabled: true text: "&eVisit our website at!" # Customize the footer text fade: enabled: true fade-in: 20 # Footer fade-in time (in ticks) stay: 60 # Footer stay time (in ticks) fade-out: 20 # Footer fade-out time (in ticks) Player list configuration player-list: refresh-interval: 5 # Refresh the player list every 5 ticks sorting-method: GROUPS # Sort players by groups group-sorting-method: DISPLAY_NAME # Sort groups by display name group-collapse-mode: EXPAND # Expand groups by default group-collapsed-groups: # List of groups to be collapsed by default - moderator - builder Tablist configuration tablist: header-footer-refresh-interval: 60 # Refresh the header and footer every 60 ticks ping-interval: 10 # Refresh player ping every 10 ticks Sidebar configuration sidebar: enabled: true title: "&6Server Stats" # Customize the sidebar title refresh-interval: 60 # Refresh the sidebar every 60 ticks lines: - "&aOnline Players: &f%online%" - "&bTPS: &f%tps%" - "&eUptime: &f%uptime%" Action bar configuration action-bar: enabled: true refresh-interval: 10 # Refresh the action bar every 10 ticks Below name configuration below-name: enabled: true health-display: PERCENTAGE # Display health as a percentageTab list groups configuration groups: # Define your groups and their properties here default: display-name: "&7[&fDefault&7]" permission: "group.default" priority: 0 moderator: display-name: "&c[&6Mod&c]" permission: "group.moderator" priority: 1 admin: display-name: "&4[&cAdmin&4]" permission: "group.admin" priority: 2 Placeholder API configuration placeholder-api: enabled: true cant format it correctly but heres the yml chatgpt gave me
you should wrap it in ```
i figured it out
read the response
if you're looking for a more vanilla setup, lithium + starlight are closer to vanilla
what plugins are you using?
i want the opimizations of paper whilst not breaking any auto farms
but i think i can only have one
chatgpt might be incredibly powerful because of the intense documentation on these on github n such
id just be hesitant
i tried it on gpt3 and got straight hallucinations
im taking it all with a grain of salt
ill wait for gpt4
if thatll ever come out to the public
i have a pro on an account but i went through my friends google account since i needed oauth and i don’t have a google account
i just need to wait for him and i to be on the same sleep schedule lol
sounds about right
for like 2 servers i had a mod that connects my console to a discord channel
so i can see logs and they stay
but they want to use the discord server that doesnt have that
well you can just move it over, no?
i have to invite a discord bot and stuff
and that mod is fabric and i can live without it
can always rcon
true, ive never set up rcon tbh
it was a little tricky for me
i think i mightve forgot
stuff wiht ports
pretty lame networking stuff
maybe it’s paranoia, but i wouldn’t open rcon up to the public internet tbh
ive never been cyberattacked or hit by some script kiddie so im not really that paranoid
if i want it to look professional ill use a free domain to cover up my ip lol
i would just keep rcon local
i dont even set up a cloudflare or anything
or something
yeah i used it to access my computer downstairs if im lazy
yeah, i just wouldn't open the 25566(?) port on your router
fair enough
do u think cybersecurity in hs is a good class to take?
i took networking
it was a chill class for fundamentals
are you going to take a class in college to build on it?
ill probably do more programming or something
i've wanted to do linux sysadmin stuff but idk
theres a course for that?
and what career would that lead into
mostly maintaining and setting up services
those people are worth alot right?
i never really cared tbh
i just like working with linux
which version should i install?
i installed ubuntu previously
ubuntu server a good choice?
okay problem
i dont know how to get into the boot menu
apparently i have to press F2 and F12?
i reformatted my flash drive with ubuntu server again for good measure
holy shut
it worked
i used a doffrrrnt keyboard
lmao mb bro, you could've pinged me
i never referenced todays date at all while using chatgpt, and:
oh, i guess it just works that way in general?
idk its wtv lmao
i’m going to overwrite windows on this drive
or should i dual boot
for some reason o tried to partition it on windows and it only let me use 23gb of 256
what’s an lvl group?
lwk need help in this installation
you can use it if you want
im more familiar with a standard partition layout tho
should i just overwrite windows
do you have data backed up?
nothing i really need
the server is on a thumb drive currently
no loss?
you have the server and linux on the thumb drive?
different thumb drives
had me worried lol
used a 32gb for linux because less to format
64 for server and misc stuff
yeah you can check custom install and ill walk you through it
woudlnt entire disk do it as well?
oh yeah
mb bro
i misread that option
just uncheck lvm
unchecked it
press done?
looks good
ubuntu pro?
u have to pay for that?
you recommend this or nah?
skip it
it sfine
thats how you remote in
import ssh identity
github and something else
show me?
github and launchpad
oh id do neither unless you need launchpad
nvm im dumb
yeah just skip it
install it or just skit up
install openssh
skip importing keys
you wont need any of that
just pressed done
thats fine
is it installing now?
it’s updating something
alr cool
when can i download desktop
it has to make sure it knows what the latest versions of the packages are before it installs it into the system
or this is the part i can leave it
you can just let it install
itll hang once its done
alright i’ll head off the gym then
thanks btw
np bro
i didn’t really need anytigng on windows anyway
i gotta install java and stuff again though
its easy honestly
sudo sometging
sudo apt-get update
and sudo apt-get install openjdk-17-jre-headless
yeahi personally like the gui with running the server
ram usage and stuff yk
you can screen it away, then run htop
or install spark profiler and use the web interface
spark is for paper?
you have a bukkit plugin, it should work?
paper spigot bukkit r the same thing
yeah, i didnt know how up-to-date spigot keeps to the bukkit source tree
i would need to navigate this without a desktop
you can install one ontop of the server
alright got it
i have a vm running and im just double checking the commands so im not shooting in the dark later
it would just have absolutely nothing on it
there's a meta package that has a full desktop, i usually just do a minimal install tho
ssh would let me view the server from my computer right?
just ssh user@ip
i dont know if window's ssh is available in cmd
ill check rn
it is
oh wait my cmd opens powershell?
no im just stupid
its cmd
heres the set of commands you'd need to install a desktop:
Full desktop:
sudo bash -c "apt-get update && apt-get install gnome gdm3"
Minimal desktop:
sudo bash -c "apt-get update && apt-get install gnome-session gdm3"
After either:
sudo systemctl enable --now gdm
you'll have your gui to work with afterwait
i’m so confused
what do you mean?
it told me to remove the usb
go into your bios
it probably doesnt have the right drive
it should overwrite the drive with windows right
okay so i clicked ubuntu in boot drives
yeah, but it could change the EFI drive id and your bios might not pick it up automatically
i think i’m in the server
so if you want a desktop
these commands
choose between one of the first two
thats all good
i would suggest deleting that tho
i’m so confused
you pretty much leaked your private ssh key lol
it won’t type anything
haha you're good
anyway, linux doesnt show your password when you type it
nor will it show *'s by default
just hit backspace a bunch of times and type with confidence lol
that’s a curveball
i'd still delete this image lol
okay i think i’m on the
the main “desktop”
yeah the cli
now just punch the commands in and you'll be solid
and that’s my ip
device ip actually
private yeah
difference between full and minimal
ill show you what apps minimal has
like what has what features
so not a whole lot
just the very bare minimum
if you want more than that you can just install the full one
not much in preformance?
can i still install chrome n stuff
yeah, but honestly its just a difference in how much diskspace you'll end up using
between full and minimal
i dont even use a desktop, so 90% of what you'd need would be in the terminal
1,915mb is used
so not a lot
hold up
god linux server without desktop is so lifeless
well its about running server stuff
yeah i know
is that full or minimal?
btw, im the only person who makes this distinction, so dont get too confused
thats fine, i just didnt want to assume and be confused later
it just got done installing firefox and now it’s going to toen
thats usually how it goes lol
browsers and the core desktop are like 80% of the install
it stopped
thats fine
now run
sudo systemctl enable --now gdm
and you should pop into a desktop
as long as i didnt get confused with something
because that was a fast installsystemct1
or systemctl
ctl for control
oh i’m in a desktop
W in chat
you're good now
whenever you reboot it should load into the desktop
the cursor is a swuare#
hold up
time to install java?
can you screenshot?
the cursor changes to a regular cursor in terminal
and a swuare
oh yeah in terminal yeah
my screen is blurry because i’m using vga
oh weird
last minute solutions
either way its only a server, you shouldnt be on the gui side too often imo
i literally just took a fell optiplex shoved it in the router room and connected it via ethernet lol
what’s the command to install java?
sudo apt-get install openjdk-17-jre-headless
if you want the gui
sudo apt-get install openjdk-17-jre
is it .bat for linux too?
ill get you set up in a sec
i’m hoping the way to get device ip on ubuntu is the same as the desktop
okay run
curl -o
i was wondering why android marshmallow looked so much like linux and i realized android is a linux distributor
haha yeah a little bit
ik what i did wrong
i put run
lmao you're okay
speed upload
did stuff like that
it connected to a github project
oh, thats my github
i uploaded the script so you didnt have to manually type it all out
ohh so i make a start sh file
and type that script?
it should download it to where you were in the shell
you can find where you are using
found it
and if you want to see if the file is there you can use
to see what files and folders are in the directory where you aretrying to find what my device ip is
if you want to find local ip you can use
ip a
is there a ip config linux ?
ohh okay
how do i make it static?
you can either do it in your router, or locally
give me 2 seconds if you want to do it locally
i only know how to do it locally 😭
well give me a second and ill help you out
ok ok
so can you show me what
ip a
all good
okay so do
sudo nano /etc/netplan/01-static-ethernet.yaml
then type this out
does formatting matter
you can do either 2 or 4 spaces for indentation, but it needs to be consistent
then when you're done do
ctrl-x, then press y, then press enter
i fixed thst error
ik whst ur going to say
you can change the ip address within the brackets
idk what you usually use as a static ip
just leave the /24 at the end
i’ll use the one the system is using now
would it conflict if i accidentally changed it another systems ip?
uh, 🤷♂️
how do i execute this
did you fix the [../24] being on a new line?
it is?
no, its not supposed to
should look like that
i just wanna make sure everything is good
either way,
ctrl+x, hit y, hit enter
and yeah, can you go to the start of the line, and hit backspace?
so your line looks like addresses: [.../24]
?like this?
i’m using my brothers mk blue keyboard
it looks correct?
idk how to explain it better
but your
is on a new line, when it should come just after addresses:
within the same lineOHH
haha, you should delete that screenshot too
i’m going to be retyping this entire thing arent i
open it up
you saved it as long as you did the key inputs right
is there a normal text editor?
you can install vs code on there
whenever i type my password it says command not found
oh wait
it just sends me back
the last 4 should all have the same indentation
they do if i’m correct
okay, it just looks weird
do this again
sudo netplan try
error in network definition
oh im an ape
remove the brackets
just on that line
oh wait i see it
no, the gateway4 line
scalar means one value
tells it that you're making a list
so its like, why tf are there multiple values when i only need one loli think i fucked something up
it looks fine to me
it gave me no output
oh thats normal
just do
sudo netplan try
i got a warning
it switched back to default routes
it’s probably me
no, im just havent set up a static ip in a while and used old syntax
also i do think your last 2 lines are indented a little too much
i fixed that
but you should replace gateway4 with this:
this is beyond my knowledge around about the installation
you're okay
we're getting there
route to and via?
updated yaml
you just need to remove
and replace it with thato think we’re on the same stack exchange forum
lmao yeah probably
tag would be really nice when setting up my windows box
instead i have to manually set the routes on my machine and its roughbarely understood but that sounds gruesome
expected mapping
it’s indentation
do your
and via
have colons?colons?
its a little blurry but if they do then you're good
via: 192..
does your via have :
after itlooks good
exit, then
sudo netplan try
invalid yaml
block sequence entries are not allowed in this context
oh, it looks like your
is on the routes
linewhere is it supposed to be?
it should be
frankly you're doing well not getting frustrated, id be sobbing right now lmao
via isnt indented enough
yaml is very picky with indentation
idk i was fustrated when i couldn’t go into my bios and after an hour and changed my keyboard it got me into bios 😭
oh my fod there’s a problem in the dns
is it the space?
i’m seriously at a loss
there’s a space?
between your comman and your 8
that was me though, it was a muscle memory thing
?4/,&35 and 8?
bracket and 8?
go to the end of that
theres a comma
after the comma theres a space
delete that space
that has to work
it’s the bracket
oh you're right
but it’s a list?
they've changed the layout a bit
aliases are not supported
there’s a space?
can you show me your yaml
it's probably easier to use something like vs code
here do it like this:
wait, did you get it from the site?
Download Visual Studio Code - Mac, Linux, Windows
Visual Studio Code is free and available on your favorite platform - Linux, macOS, and Windows. Download Visual Studio Code to experience a redefined code editor, optimized for building and debugging modern web and cloud applications.
if you did thats fine
yeah there
yeah, then open your downloads in a terminal and run
sudo apt install <file>.deb
open my downloads in a terminal?
no, it should open in a folder
if you want to open it in a terminal you can run
cd ~/Downloads
im like 90% sure
sudo apt install code
and then hit tab to auto fill the rest of it
dont put a space after codesnap isn’t all code?
snap install code?*
sudo apt
i guess you could do snap too though
it said it couldn’t find code
i was asking you to type code into the terminal, then hit tab after
if you dont put a space it should fill in the full file name
heres what i mean
unable to locate package code
wait, do you want to vc?
i don’t mind
i can probably explain it a little better through voice
i’m on my phone
thats fine
sudo curl -Lo /etc/netplan/01-static-ethernet.yaml