Bungeecord security running on local host
Hey All,
Was just wondering, whats the best way to secure a bungeecord network when all servers are running on the same machine. I have bungeeguard right now, but wnna be extra safe.
55 Replies
make sure that all ports are closed EXCEPT for the proxy
oh and of course panel n stuff
so im running my proxy on 25565
on public ip, yes.
keep all others closed except 25565 then?
Ah awesome
bungeeguard is not really needed in this case
any plans on switching to velocity btw? bungeecord is uhh.. wack.
I was going to! but i couldnt find a good tutorial haha
Im actualy using waterfall, idk why i said bungeecord
same thing p much
Getting Started | PaperMC Documentation
This page covers how to install and set up a minimal configuration of Velocity.
of course, you dont need to switch but
the performance and stability is worth it
I only started working on servers again from like a 5 year break
ahh back to torture yourself
so i didnt know much about velocity
Yea, and i still have trauma from getting backdoored because of dodgy bungee setup lmao
Welcome | setup.md
We are setup.md, a community focused around documenting the important parts of Minecraft server administration and ensuring everything can be found in one single place.
Yea, thats why i wnna be ultra safe
Oh awesome, il give it a read right now
But yea, you think velocity is a better way to go?
how many players do you hope to hold
at the same time
its still worth it if its a very small amount but im mostly just curious
Hm, id say up to 100 ideally, realistic maybe 20-30 consecutive
so not giant
not going to notice any major change at that point
fewer crashes i suppose. shit is STABLE
switch to velo
OK will do then! Im gonna read the link you sent, but is the setup similar to waterfall?
pretty much the same
do keep in mind that it has a smaller plugin library than bungee though. you will have to make your own plugin (or snap! it in some cases)
Ahhhh fair
Stll sounds good though
just dont try to snap! any advanced plugins
that'll surely break
GitHub - Phoenix616/Snap: Experimental tool to run BungeeCord plugi...
Experimental tool to run BungeeCord plugins on Velocity - GitHub - Phoenix616/Snap: Experimental tool to run BungeeCord plugins on Velocity
dam wtf
Maybe a bit off topic, but you seempretty knowledagble. Any idea of a good auto mover plugin between servers? Like if a server went down etc
did discord.. meh whatever
Velocity does that by default - there is a "try [ list ]" section in the config
you could use FallbackServer
But still recommended!
Ah awesome
Ok, yall convinced me haha
Im doing it right now, so i might ask a question or two here if yall dont mind if theres an issue
That's the point ;)
for reference, can be used for localhost right?
Sorry for any stupid questions, im really rusty
actually @Señor Leche can you confirm that lol
im not so sure 🤔
Should be
Is the formatting on that ok?
The wiki says this
In my global.yml i have this
set velocity.enabled to true, secret should be the secret key file in the velocity proxy's root folder
forwarding.secret file
will i leave online mode as false or set to true? I have true in my velcoity config
and server properties is false
On the proxy true
On the backend false in server.properties but true in paper.yml
Awesome guys
All seems to be setup!
why would u use that if u have the builtin feature of velocity?
bit more customizable
Quick question, all players can do /server rn but they dont have the permission for it
any idea why that would be?
otherwise everythin gis perfect. Got forwarding etc. set up so ty for the suggestion and help
/lpv group default permission set velocity.command.server ig
I moreso mean i dont want them being able to do /server, but by default it seems they can without having a permission
/lpv group default permission set velocity.command.server false
you are using luckperms yes
Not working. I think i might have luckperms setup incorrect with the move, databases etc. though so im gonna try figure itout myself first instead of bothering yall
thanks for the help!
Just incase anyone ever searches for the anser. You have to install LuckPerms proxy on the velocity server, and normal luck perms on all other servers. I was dumb and didnt install it on the proxy