What is spamming up my console?
Looks like a spam disconnect message, but I don't know whats causing it?

28 Replies
a player named cuute without an UUID?
server scanner
probably aye
what is that? I've never heard of it.
its just a bot that wants to know every server on the internet and goes thru every Ip on the default port and checks if it returns a packet that minecraft uses to verify the game client
ignore it
someone scanning all ips on the internet (ipv4) for mc servers
and keeping track of players and player counts and other info
but thanks for doxxing them lol
i have a list of their ips
my server host masks IPs
it doesnt.
that does not change anything
those ips are the real ones
oh I thought it did weird.
anyways thanks for the help guys
next time maybe upload to mclo.gs, they remove IPs and stuff
is that project copenheimer? xd
only scanner i know lol
not just default port
some run others too, yes
any half decent one checks at least the top 10 most common ports
well of course they do, but for the sake of simplicity i just went with one in my explaination
for anybody still here it still won't stop disconnecting, is this normal?

its not normal, but you can ignore. its just a scanner not an actual player.
to be safe, make sure your server is in online-mode.
So far, we haven't seen anything malicious from 'cuute' apart from spamming
looked the profile up on namemc and it says the bots from- North Korea?

you can set your own location
so its just fake
made to be funny
+ its most likely just a offlinemode account
so looking it up is pointless
ah, got it.
i have that on my namemc profile too
you can set it to whatever you want