How do i share the updated chunks only?
I ran chunky on 8000 by 8000 radius. Now my world file has grown to 10 GB which was only 250 mb ~. If i want to share the world file with my friend everyday, that would be very time cosuming. Is there any plugin/way that will allow me to share updated chunks only? Thanks
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Requested by invincibleanik#0
Wish I could undo the chunky preload
Didn't keep backup
Should I delete the generated chunks
What do you think about this tool
GitHub - Querz/mcaselector: A tool to select chunks from Minecraft ...
A tool to select chunks from Minecraft worlds for deletion or export. - GitHub - Querz/mcaselector: A tool to select chunks from Minecraft worlds for deletion or export.
Will do
Don't have much idea about the radius thing
Will 1000 by 1000 be enough
5 players played only 2 weeks.
Didn't explore much