ItemsAdder BetterRanks problem
Hello so I have ItemsAdder and BetterRanks installed, I connected them correctly, it shows in chat but I do not know how to make it show in tab and scoreboard aswell, can you please tell me how to do it? The tablist plugin is TAB by NEZAMY
21 Replies
how are u displaying it in chat?
a symbol or :img_(name):
I am using it in luckperms
Ex. Admin rank prefix is :admin:
and it displays the prefix correctly
but how do I make it show in tab and scoreboard
have u tried adding it to tab?
as the group-layout
for the admin group etc
I am trying all the things that I could do
for 2 hours
should I send you the config?
for groups.yml
just send it here
tabprefix: "&0&l[&a&lOwner&0&l] &a"
tagprefix: "&2&lOwner &a"
tabprefix: "&0&l[&7&lPlayer&0&l] &3"
tagprefix: "&2&lPlayer &3"
- "This is an example of per-group header/footer"
- "applied to a group"
# default settings for all groups, all groups will take properties from this section unless player's primary group overrides a specific setting
tabprefix: "%luckperms-prefix%"
tagprefix: "%luckperms-prefix%"
customtabname: "%essentials_nickname%"
customtagname: "%essentials_nickname%" # don't forget to enable unlimited nametag mode to make this one work
tabsuffix: "%luckperms-suffix%%afk%"
tagsuffix: "%luckperms-suffix%%afk%"
tabprefix: "&0&l[&a&lOwner&0&l] &a"
tagprefix: "&2&lOwner &a"
this is it
wheres :admin:
I deleted it because it didn't work
I want to make it so it shows the prefix that a player has
Like in the default section
it shows the luckperms prefix that the player has
but i do not know how to make it to show the betterranks
do you understand?
try and readd :admin:
and restart just in case
and then show screenshot from ingame
![No description](
![No description](
should I make different sections for all the ranks?
oh my god
i just figured it out
i am so stupid
![No description](
i was putting the ranks at world1
instead of the top
solved, sorry for taking your time
Which plugins do you have? For me it will not work...
It just shows to white Boxes
ItemsAdder, Tab by nezamy
also now I am not home to give you full details, and I am not developing for a period now
Hey, I have an similar issue. But for me they are just two white squares instead of the Image. I use ItemsAdder, BetterRanks and i think i use the same Tab Plugin. Do you know how to fix?