Temp public ip
Hello, I have a local server in an internet cafe that has a local and a public ip. Do you have any idea how I can give a public ip to someone that is temporary? That is, only he can enter from it and when I want to close it.
9 Replies
Would setting a whitelist not be easier for that?
i want in local network have everyone acces, and from other pc i can controll who can enter
Yeah that sounds like a whitelist friend
Hmm wait so you mean anyone inside the cafe has full access, anyone outside needs permission?
I believe ConditionalEvents can do that.
And set an ignore_with_permission for anyone you permanently trust for the rule not to apply too (yourself), and the %ip% would be the local host of (probably)
many thanks, i will check it
what i do wrong?:alot:
install tailscale on your server
connect it to your account
and then share it via the link
you can just then disable sharing and your good to go
only downside is that however wants to join has to use tailscale