Goat Horns not heard more than 20 blocks. How to fix it?
hey. i have an smp and we finally got goat horns but the other person could only hear it when he was loaded in, barely any blocks away. Any idea how I can make it be heard farther?
Isn't it supposed to be heard from 256 blocks away?
6 Replies
Minecraft Wiki
Goat Horn
A goat horn is an item dropped by goats. It has eight variants, and each plays a unique sound when used which can be heard by players in a large radius. A horn is dropped when an adult goat rams a...
ahhh okay thank you. would increasing simulation distance rather than view distance fix it or does it have to be view distance
simulation distance
okay thanks. so i made it 22 (it was 10) but that did not fix the issue
Try now render distance
I thought it will work, i don't use horn in minecraft so i couldn't know that
ah alright