Anyone know what this Problem in the Tablist is causing?
Anyone know, why its saying "%essentialsnick%" (showing the placeholder) in the Tab list? I have PlaceholderAPI Installed, all needed Addons for it, I have Essentials installed etc. Any Idea? (Paper 1.20.1 latest Build).
10 Replies
Using the TAB Plugin from BuiltByBit
try using %essentials_nickname% ig
will try
Worked, thank you!
PlaceholderAPI | Expansion Cloud
The eCloud > Expansions > Essentials
View, download and manage expansions within the eCloud for the PlaceholderAPI plugin.
Thanks guys <3
trulee epic
Idk why TAB is generating %essentialsnick% on first startup
probably broke in an update
used to work b4
yeah probably