ItemsAdder Logo
Hello, how can I make it that I put my server's logo in the tablist like MineFreeze?
17 Replies
Hello, you need a custom resource pack to apply custom texture to character
MrPowerGamerBR Website
Adding a image to Minecraft's TAB List with Resource Packs
perfectionisperfect asked on /r/admincraft how MineAlong put an image in Minecraft's TAB list.
How can I do it using ItemsAdder?
Have you consulted the itemsadder wiki?
Yes, I can't figure it out
What have you tried so far?
I tried making it like BetterRanks, Followed the tutorial the guy above sent me the link
How about following the items adder wiki?
This website helps you configuring and creating custom items for my plugin
Let me try another time with the wiki
I'm just looking for what you've tried already, makes it easier to show you what you need to change.
I don't find anything about my problem
I want to put the server's logo in the tablist like Minefreeze has
Above GodMc Survival

I want the logo to be there
You have to add the image to the texture pack
Font Images
Allows you to create images which can be used in texts, also known as glyphs and symbols
You need to attribute a character to the image, then put the character in the tablist
I will test this and keep you up