Multiverse advancements for separate worlds?

Hii! Is there a way for me to keep advancements sperate from each world using Multiverse or any other plugin? Because my current problem is people can join my survival world and my creative world and any advancements made in the creative world transfer over. So I am wondering if I can stop that some how?
6 Replies
Jaystan | Joe
Jaystan | Joe2y ago
Dont think is possible, as advancement is recorded based on globally based in your server. Unless is a separate server, or another plugin that stores your advancement on a database.
Jaystan | Joe
Jaystan | Joe2y ago
SpigotMC - High Performance Minecraft
MultiverseCore Advancements
I would like to know if it is possible to separate the advancements and recipes of players from multiple different worlds.
Woalis2y ago
It might be possible with Multiverse Inventories.
Per world group advancements · Issue #340 · Multiverse/Multiverse-I...
A way to prevent players from getting advancements in certain worlds would be really nice.
Woalis2y ago
Multiverse has a discord. It may be a good idea to ask about this there.
ThebestfisheverOP2y ago
I asked in the support channel earlier in the morning and didn't get a response Ya I have been reading through this for a good half an hour and I am confused on how to remove the inv shares there aren't the ones listed at the beginning of the GitHub post when I go to run the command in my server
Woalis2y ago
It is my understanding that running inventory managers and things like this can increase the likelihood of errors or glitches that could result in players losing inventories. It may be a better solution to make a second creative server and keep the gamemodes separate.

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