increasing the server render distance can cause lag?
I've got my simulation distance at 3 & render distance at 5. Will making the render distance at 8 cause any noticeable lag compared to the original 5 chunks?
7 Replies
more ram usage
most on server*
Oh thanks for answering my question if it was server side ram usage
client would only be more data afaik?
can be worse for people on bad connections
Seeing my server conditions, I don't think I'll be able to increase it up to 5 since we're thight with RAM
Thanks you
from my understanding, if the client has a render distance of 5, but the server has 8, then the client will still only get 5^2 chunks of data from the server
yeah it depends on client render distnace
but its more like people with worse connections are getting a "worse" experience
well it depends on server type
like for pvp type gamemode like factions etc
5 vs 8 is a big difference
skyblock it doesnt really matter
yeah, I mean, when I was in Indiana, I couldn't even connect to OVH based servers with 2 chunk server render distance
just because america's internet is that bad for peering
I'd just time out before I could log in