Anyone having issues with griefdefender not recognizing flags?
I got their plugin through a third party so can't apparently use their discord, but I am having serious annoying issues with their flags not working in claims. Anyone else have this issue? Using all the defaults and turning off mob-spawning in my server spawn admin claim and they still spawn constantly.
Using Paper 1.20.1 and GD2.3.8
40 Replies
where did u get it from?
the plugin
They'll send you an email to the paypal email address used to buy the plugin.
You can look at the wiki here, but the plugin only has 3,000 downloads, so I doubt anybody here has ever used it.
Getting Started
Getting Started Requirements You need LuckPerms to run the plugin. Get latest LuckPerms ( for Bukkit & Sponge API 8/9. Get LuckPerms v5.3.98 (http...
Any better recommendations for claim protection plugins then?
griefprevention ig?
That one is long discontinued
GD replaced it
works fine for 1.20.1 afaik
griefprevention got updated 19 hours ago on github
GP discord says its discontinued and to use GD
GD dev told us to possibly switch to griefprevention
although ive had issues with GD's support
It never says that on their spigot/github page tbh
like the fact they straight up dont support people using pufferfish...
GP spigot says only 1.17
doesnt matter
its just what the dev selected, he could just be lazy
Aight guess I'll give it a try
Bukkit plugins inherently work in all future versions of the game, unless the plugin dev intentionally makes it not work in all versions
Cause yea this is starting to irritate the hell out of me, I've spent 3 days now combing through configs and trying everything
or use nms
that's what I meant when I said intentionally makes it not work in all versions 😅
well its more like a sad byproduct
Yeah, fair enough
mojang aint making it easier either
iirc nms version is now also different per subversion
and not just major version
I mean, nms revisions just changed randomly to be fair
ik there was one Minecraft update where Bukkit changed the nms API, but the revision stayed the same and just broke plugins, forget which one
I just wanted one with claim rental and economy support ;-;
does griefprevention work?
Testing it now, it doesn't seem to have the rental support tho
Not that I can see goin over documentation
maybe a faction/towny plugin then? Unsure what exactly your plugin requirements would be and what would be considered overkill
griefprevention doesn't have rentals, but claims will expire when people don't log on for x amount of days
I just wanna be able to create a admin claimed area for shops where players can rent out sections to build personal stores
with worldguard regions
ik plotsquared also lets you manually insert a plot cluster in any world
So worldguard regions instead of gp?
make regions
and sell it with advancedregionmarket
I can use worldguard and gp together?
Just use the worldguard for the admin shit?
If I am understanding right I hope
Okay coolio I'll give that a shot
u can do this with worldguard and AdvancedRegionMarket
is what im trying to say
Yeee I'm pickin up what your puttin down :3
griefprevention these days is only really used when you want players to be able to define their own claim in a survival world
Gotcha, yea thats the functionality I need for it, and claim specific flags