•Created by AdriaDanvers on 7/5/2023 in #questions
EssentialsX /sell command table
Anyone know of any resources of pre-made config with sell prices for damn near any item?
2 replies
•Created by AdriaDanvers on 7/1/2023 in #questions
Looking for a working vote rewards plugin (spigot)
I'm curious what you would recommend, I setup nuvotifier and all the pages for voting properly to match it but no matter what I do with different voting rewards plugins they don't seem to work.
4 replies
•Created by AdriaDanvers on 6/29/2023 in #questions
ItemsAdder/HMCCosmetics wings
I bought a bunch of item sets that come with wings/helmets that are supposed to be used through a cosmetics plugin but they didn't provide a cosmetics file for the cosmetics plugin to detect them, anyone know how I add em for my players?
2 replies
•Created by AdriaDanvers on 6/21/2023 in #questions
Citizens command to give a item to player
Like the title says, looking to see if anyone knows how to make a npc give items to a player, I'm trying to setup a npc who gives players 10 apples once and only once
7 replies
•Created by AdriaDanvers on 6/21/2023 in #questions
Anyone having issues with griefdefender not recognizing flags?
I got their plugin through a third party so can't apparently use their discord, but I am having serious annoying issues with their flags not working in claims. Anyone else have this issue? Using all the defaults and turning off mob-spawning in my server spawn admin claim and they still spawn constantly.
Using Paper 1.20.1 and GD2.3.8
59 replies