SpongeForge alternative for 1.19.2
Heya all! I wanted to check in and see if anyone knows of any alternative to SpongeForge that works to use on my Forge 1.19.2, or am I out of luck for any version past 1.16.5?
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Requested by real_excl#0
I don't think anything of quality exists for Forge and plugins combined. I have tried every shitshow server software in history, and I think even sponge is horrible and shouldnt be used in production (in modpacks)
Thank you for your insight. To clarify, this is mostly a small server <10 users solely for friends so perfect stability isn't mandatory
Was mostly looking to see if it was even remotely possible at all, or if I am out of luck for this specific minecraft version
I noticed that Magma had a 1.19.3 version just now that I could try, uncertain if it will let me connect with a 1.19.2 client though
magma is absolute garbage in my experience
Magma and mohist are both horrible for modpacks, sponge is slightly more stable but still breaks, lags and crashes modded servers (less than the other ones but still worse than default modpack)
Any forge + plugin software just breaks more than what it’s worth
Is there anything in particular you need? There’s plenty of mods out there that might offer what you’re looking for