New router modem combo and I cant port forward
I got a new router and modem but I cant port forward. I am not an expert whatsoever
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Im trying to make a bedrock/java server
using geyser and it works with my v4 address but when I try and use my public or the DNS I set up it doesn't work.
u cant use ur public ip
when ur on the same network
as the device hosting it
ik but it doesnt work for anyone else
Are you port forwarding your external ip?
have u tried /geyser testconnection
wat dat
no ill try it
unknown command
are u in console
i can connect to thew server on my phone tho
then remove the /

says that
Were y able to do so with old router
If so what new router did u get
Also make sure to check for any software updates
To ur router
it was just a router and then our internet got cut off
so we switched to execulink
where we got the router and modem combo
yes i could just go to the defult gateway and do it there
but execulink doesnt allow editing off the gateway
so you have to to it at
I used to just be able to go to the defult gateway and port forward there
but execulink doesn't allow that
you have to go to their spesific website to port forward
That doesnt make sense
Someone made port forwarding work for me
By having me log into isp router
Then making some change to allow my actual router have Port forward
I have no idea what wny of that means :)
This is what the rule looks like right now

does ur exculink allow ur router to port forward?
or is there an option to allow it to do so
im not sure
i called and they said they allowed it through myexeculink but not the defult gateway