Server failing to start and crashing
Server was working fine yesterday and suddenly when i started it today, this happened.
I even tried deletign the plugins folder completely and that still didn't fix it.
It's happening to all my server splits too, not just this one
(Purpuer 1.20.1 for this server)

13 Replies
Self hosting petro or using a host?
using a host. Bloom host
I've already tried contacting them but they wont be able to respond for another 2 hours
So thought i might give here a chance
I didn't realize there was a time delay on blooms support
Nah its amazing, just has support hours and theres 2 hours left for their uspport hrs to start
Error code 128 involves binding to the port
So whatever port or network allocation you're using isn't being liked by the container
Should i change it then?
and try again?
No idea what your current settings are

What settings?
Might be something only bloom can fix :FrogeBIGEYES:
is there nothing else i can check or smth? or u could help me with?
cuz its really frustrating hwo this came out of no where
We were playing completely fine yesterday and restarted multiple times
woke up today, and the server wasn't pinging in the server list so i restarted
and then it started crashing
I haven't changed anything abt the port. it was created by default and haven't touched it
No, it's likely a wings problem and you don't have access to that
I was adding geyser tho yesterday and had to create a new port for it but thats all i did with ports. I ended up removing all my plugins including geyser to see if it was a plugin issue somehow and it isnt
oh rip alright
so i guess we'll just have to wait