DiscordSRV and Luckperms
I want to make it so that any server boosters from discord, and anyone with the twitch subscriber role in discord get automatically assigned a minecraft LP group. I have set up the discord link with discord SRV, but am struggling with how to auto assign anyone with the discord roles, the minecraft group. Any help would be great :)
23 Replies
in synchronization.yml, you'd want to set
to the groups and discord IDs of the roles, GroupRoleSynchronizationGroupsAndRolesToSync
to false, and GroupRoleSynchronizationOneWay
to true
most likelyive done all those, however i dont believe it is working. the LP group has a few cosmetic commands avaiable for those who support me a bit extra so i need it to work. Want me to send the yml for you to look at.
i was reading the LP contexts thingy, and i asked in the dsicordSRV discord for help, they arent very useful, but everytime they send me the contexts thing and they said that it wont work
what command would you use add someone to the group with a luckperms command?
/lp user {USERNAME} group set {GROUP}
i think
so, what is discordSRV doing, or is it doing nothing?
so, discord srv is the integration between minecraft and discord, i have a minecraft chat <--> discord and i also have a linking thing, where people must link their minecraft to get access to the server
all i wanted dsicordSRV to do was allow LP to read the specified roles, and then assign MC users with the discord roles the MC group
but is it currently attemping to sync roles at all or no?
im nto sure, how do i know
will there be anything in console
not sure, I've never used discordSRV
I know that essentialsx discord and essentialsx discord link can do this as well
did u follow discordsrv's docs?
yehhh, and i still cant get it to work, with the auto assign roles
would it show in console, because part of the problem might be the weights of the groups
ask in their discord
i have
ive had a ticket opened for about a week
they arent much help
dont they have a community support channel

its just the ticket creation page in there
any idea?
@Max go ahead and ping me in your ticket, I’ll look through it myself tonight
Audrey will yell at you but you can ignore it
We haven’t for years, no one ever got correct answers there
on discord srv?
Yes I’m staff there
i couldn’t find ur @
it’s not letting me ping @Shadow there
nvm i got it