How can I use ConditionalEvents to play a sound for all players?
I'm looking at this feature
But it says "Plays a sound to the player. " and only players to the player that triggered the command.
I've tried to use
/ce call <event>
to trigger it but it still only plays for the person who called it.
How can I play the sound to all players? Perhaps a way that I can trigger /ce call <event> for every player?
Can this be done by combining /ce call with something like /execute as @a run <command>
but I can only use vanilla commands this way?
Any alternative?8 Replies
if execute doesn't work, you might be able to use essentials sudo
Alternatively, you can always just use vanilla's /playsound if you only want to play a sound for them
Thanks, looking in to playsound
@Snow Kit I've resorted to using
execute at @a run playsound minecraft:<sound> voice @p
. When the player walks away from where they were the sound stops. is there a way to play it to them without a radius? I see the parameter 'voice' has other options but not sure what they do
it works really good except when you walk awayyou should be able to do
playsound <sound> voice @a ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1
I did this and after reading it seems like it should work but it produces the same effect
Minecraft Wiki
Plays a specified sound to a player, in a location, and in a specific volume and pitch. Java Edition playsound [] [] [] [] Bedrock Edition...
when i walk away its quieter, the sound stops after 16 blocks
execute at @a run playsound minecraft:<sound> voice @p ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1