Faster minecart 1.20 plugin
Does anyone know a plugin or a datapack for 1.20.1 that make minecart faster ?
Not a complicated one juste max speed higher.
11 Replies
I thought minecart speeds were hard coded.
SpigotMC - High Performance Minecraft
Minecart Speed Plus
I found this one but for 1.18
Might work for 1.20. Have you tried?
I'm gonna retry
Found a 1.19 fork
GitHub - powerje/MinecartSpeedPlus: Plugin for bukkit, Spigot and P...
Plugin for bukkit, Spigot and Paper based Minecraft Servers to set specific speeds for minecarts both Dynamically and Globally. - GitHub - powerje/MinecartSpeedPlus: Plugin for bukkit, Spigot and P...
the plugin work in the 1.18 version but the 4x speed doesn't work
Is it already compiled ?
Check the releases
thanks, I think it was the pull requests
now it works with x4
Common Leche W
milk man pride