Researching Hosting Options. Needing Some Help
Hello! I am currently running a vanilla Realms for my discord for about 15 people. However, we've been having some problems with Realms kicking everyone out then reverting to its last save. Very annoying and painful with all the builders I have.
I've been thinking about switching to a new hosting service all together (with some quality of life mods). However, I feel overwhelmed by the many many different options out there. One of my people suggested using a cloud service to host the minecraft server but I really dont know how to even start researching that option.
I know that the best option would be hosting it on my own pc but I don't trust my internet provide to be up 24/7 and I don't have a spare pc/laptop to have it up 24/7.
Any advice or suggestions on either hosting services you use or maybe how to use a cloud service to host the server would be greatly appreciated.
10 Replies
the best option is NOT to selfhost
thats a relief. i've always been told it was the best way to do it
I did not see the market place, thank you.
Home hosting has its drawbacks / caveats
- Is your internet connection fast enough? In both directions (around 50M is usually enough; you should check here)? You don't connect the server to your router via WiFi, do you?
- Does your ISP provide a somewhat static, public, IPv4 address?
- Are you aware and able to deal with the security impliations?
- Is your computer powerful enough to run both a client and a server?
- Does any inhabitant (human or not!) mind the noise, heat and energy cost of a machine running 24/7?
- Alternatively, is your playerbase OK with the server not being there when you aren't?
Admincraft Canned Responses
and thats just some of em.
#marketplace is probably a better place to ask, see this thread to learn how to make a post there:
I didn't see that someone else said that, thanks discord
Will do!
Do i need to mark this solved? or does a mod do that?
just mark it yourself
you should be able to, three dots in top right, then tags
done, thanks again!