Crash "Timed out" player after tp commands

Hello, I changed the version of my server and all its plugins to 1.20.1 two days ago. Since then, a handful of players crash when they use a teleport command (all teleport commands). In my logs I've got nothing but: Main server: [19:50:48 WARN]: io.netty.handler.timeout.ReadTimeoutException [19:50:48 INFO]: blastspirits lost connection: Timed out [19:50:48 INFO]: [-] ~40ms Server bungeecord: [19:50:48 ERROR]: io.netty.handler.timeout.ReadTimeoutException [19:50:48 WARN]: [/|blastspirits] -> UpstreamBridge - read timed out [19:50:48 INFO]: [blastspirits] disconnected with: ReadTimeoutException : null The only plugin that no longer works in 1.20 is FartherViewDistance, and I don't think that's what's causing the problem. Do you have any clues to help me find the problem?
2 Replies
Snow Kit
Snow Kit2y ago
if them crashing is their clients crashing, then get them to send their client's crash log
DarksenoOP2y ago
Okay, I'll try to check with them, and get back to you if I've found a solution.

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