•Created by Darkseno on 6/22/2023 in #questions
Crash "Timed out" player after tp commands
I changed the version of my server and all its plugins to 1.20.1 two days ago. Since then, a handful of players crash when they use a teleport command (all teleport commands).
In my logs I've got nothing but:
Main server:
[19:50:48 WARN]: io.netty.handler.timeout.ReadTimeoutException
[19:50:48 INFO]: blastspirits lost connection: Timed out
[19:50:48 INFO]: [-] ~40ms
Server bungeecord:
[19:50:48 ERROR]: io.netty.handler.timeout.ReadTimeoutException
[19:50:48 WARN]: [/|blastspirits] -> UpstreamBridge - read timed out
[19:50:48 INFO]: [blastspirits] disconnected with: ReadTimeoutException : null
The only plugin that no longer works in 1.20 is FartherViewDistance, and I don't think that's what's causing the problem.
Do you have any clues to help me find the problem?3 replies