Someone created an insta-kill zone in creative build world
I'm administrating a server for my workplace, and i noticed these weird particles surrounding one of the plots in my creative build world. Stepping on the ground in this area kills creative mode players. I don't know how to get rid of this, and CoreProtect doesn't log anything about this.

56 Replies
what does it say they died to
and does console say anything
console says nothing, lemme check the death message
no special death message, just "You Died"

What plugins do you have installed

also using paper for 1.19.4 if that helps
Can you check to see if its a worldguard region that maybe has some command set to kill the player when they enter?
TNT Run maybe?
Might be that, too
found the region, but nothing weird about it

ill check the tntrun plugin
Any plugins you’ve added recently?
Also, (if you haven’t already) you could do a general coreprotect lookup in that radius
could also be a new region, unrelated to existing plots
Maybe the person left some sort of clues in the coreprotect lot
checked coreprotect, nothing's there
Did you use wand or a lookup?
Probably wouldn’t help anyway tbh
it's definately not tntrun, the kill planes for tntrun 1) doesnt have any particles, and 2) doesnt activate unless you're in an arena
if you unload all plugins, do you still die there
if not, you could do this:
Binary search your plugins
Remove half of your non-essential (ie not things like PAPI or LuckPerm) plugins and see if the problem is fixed.
If it still persists, the cause is in the half still installed.
Continue to halve the remaining plugins until you've narrowed it down to a single plugin.
Congratulations, you found the culprit.

Admincraft Canned Responses
still there after a server reload
i unloaded, renamed, and reimported the world and it's still there
I imported the world into singleplayer, and it's still there.
so it's definitely not plugin-related
its probably a potion / area effect cloud
to get rid of all of them:

it is an area effect cloud
what could spawn this, though?
huh, yeah, thatll do it
its creative
items with nbt can be spawned
but i disabled using splash and lingering potions
they're in the blacklist
you can give yourself items thatll summon entities like whilst that in creative mode
**Cheaters and some clients can
does it show up in logs at all?
what blacklist?
worldguard blacklist
Not really, its the same as you picking a block out of the creative inventory items list
thats probably the weakest blacklist there eixst
get something like Panilla (build it for free or pay for a compiled version)
is there an example of this kind of command?
its not a "command"
the server reads
for example on meteor client its
oh yeah, duh
the client just tells the server its getting that
.nbt add (insert nbt)
and cause youre in creative mode, it just does
is there a video that demonstrates this?
i want to study it
or better question: how do i prevent this from happening?
there are plugins that limit that kind of thing
thanks you guys
@Livor Mortis
mrmcyeet has reached level 6!
Roles Added:
Level 6
Public creative servers are hell
Born in the fire; Raised in the flames, man
What kind of Russian hacker tomfoolery is this?😂
Incredibly common in public creative servers
Meteor Client even has pre-made item presets
The give command I linked explains it
but yeah
tbh its why hypixel's housing uses survival and an item picker instead of just using creative mode cus its too easy to exploit
Unrelated. What nbt viewer is this?
NBT Studio:
GitHub - tryashtar/nbt-studio: An up-to-date NBT viewer and editor ...
An up-to-date NBT viewer and editor with lots of new features - GitHub - tryashtar/nbt-studio: An up-to-date NBT viewer and editor with lots of new features