Eye of Ender not leaving hand

Some players have reached out about eyes of ender not being thrown even in the overworld. Is there a plugin or setting on servers that could affect that? There is a world border at 24k x 24k blocks, but I dont think the issue is not finding unlooted strongholds. There are unlooted strongholds that players have found without eyes of ender, so I'm not sure what the cause of this is.
2 Replies
Snow Kit
Snow Kit2y ago
Do they work for you? Do they work for an alt that has default permissions? If you said yes to the first and no to the 2nd, try using luckperm’s verbose mode to see if it’s a permission issue
toriOP2y ago
I tried and they do not work sadly I'll try that Apparently after expanding the world border and updating the server and it's plugins to 1.20.1, eyes of ender function as normal. It might have been because there was no empty end portal nearby (why does minecraft work this way 🥲)

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