is there any way to disable a command for operator on fabric
(copy of subreddit thread name because I cant reach it)
I configuring my creative server on fabric and I cant disable any default operator commands like ban etc.
How can I do it?
I use luckperms for permissions.
And of course I need op for everyone because there are useful shortcuts like F3+N
5 Replies
No, use luckperms for permissions. Don't grant op.
Here's bing's cached response for that page. With that being said, it's the same response as what milk said
r/admincraft - Any way to disable a command for operator on Fabric?
0 votes and 2 comments so far on Reddit
MIGHT be able to use this to grant the vanilla command permissions, not sure if it'll grant f3+N permissions.
GitHub - lucko/minecraft-command-permissions-fabric: Registers vani...
Registers vanilla Minecraft commands in Fabric Permission API with structure "minecraft.command.<command>" - GitHub - lucko/minecraft-command-permissions-fabric: Reg...
Otherwise might be worth your while to find someone to port this to fabric.
F3NPerm - Minecraft Plugin
Allows to use Hotkey F3 + N (and the F3+F4 Gamemode Switcher) for anyone that has /gamemode permissions
youp that is what i use on my fabric server together with luckperms, it adds compatibility to all the vanilla op commands so you can enable or disable them for certain people or roles