Players can't use signs

Well me , the owner , can type in signs , but players can't
6 Replies
itaquito2y ago
If you are using LuckPerms, you can use the verbose function to see if it is a permission problem.
Nerd2y ago
Common issue with Permissions plugins and worldguard/essentials I believe. Make sure the valid permission nodes setup I believe modifyworld.* will fix it but double check this before implementing it
matwaOP2y ago
Can you explain? idk what's the verbose function
itaquito2y ago
Here its explained pretty well
LuckPerms - A permissions plugin for Minecraft servers.
LuckPerms is a permissions plugin for Minecraft servers. It allows server admins to control what features players can use by creating groups and assigning permissions.
itaquito2y ago
Basically is a feature that allows you to see in real-time which permissions are being checked by any plugin on your server. So in your case, a plugin can be checking if the user has some permission when using a sign. It might be possible that the owner has the permission (because of OP or he has the * perm) and the user doesn't.
kayohmedy2y ago
Did you figure it out @matwa ? We have the exact same issue on 1.20 I found the fix, if you use CMI, give your players the cmi.signs.shiftedit permission

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