11 Replies
Probably a plugin issue
or permissions, maybe
what could it be?
use lp verbose to check if its a permission issue
This looks like plotsquared. I’m going to assume this is the plugins fault. Their only working 1.20.1 version is still in their experimental phase. You should ask them/report this to them. They can tell u if it’s an issue on ur end or if it’s a bug.
Signs are bugged for us too, and we don’t have plotsquared
On 1.20
We don't have plotsquared
Are u using paper?
Is the user on a bedrock client?
Permission issue?
Check to see if you’re an op if the issue still persists
Pojavlauncher 1.20
I'll check later when i get home
Pojavlaucncher is Java on mobile
Could have bugs
Yeah and also my java players on pc
pretty sure we resolved this in another question