Showing player count of all Velocity Network servers
Hello pls help me. How to show player online count in velocity server. Sry for my bad English.
14 Replies
from my understanding, that's the default configuration for velocity
do you have multiple instances of velocity running?
but i make this mc but i dont know how to make a player counter like this

@Snow Kit
PlaceholderAPI | Expansion Cloud
The eCloud > Expansions > Bungee
View, download and manage expansions within the eCloud for the PlaceholderAPI plugin.
it works for velocity too
no didnt work
@Snow Kit
but the plugin dont run
run these commands
- /papi ecloud download Bungee
- /papi reload
if /papi doesn't exist, download placeholder api
i put the plugin in the plugins folder and velocity says not supőported bungecord plugins
how to fix it
@Snow Kit
placeholder api is only installed on the server.
not on bungeecord/velocity
But the velocity have a plugins folder