someone tried to join my server with a the name "serverseeker"
veery simalar error message to the one with the name "cuute"
40 Replies
Its not an error
it just a server scanner
but uhh what do i do
Is this on a shared host or a vps/dedicated server?
im hosting it from home
Not sure if you can block it using the windows firewall but if linux you can block it with iptables or ufw
i did sudo block (ip name here)
can use ufw (if its installed, it should be) sudo ufw deny from IP_ADDR to any
Tho these scanners change IP's quite frequently
this has worked multiple times for getting individual ips to stop
Not really an "easy" solution
Just have to keep blocking the IPs they use
I made a spigot plugin that filters those out
and doesnt affect players who actually get kicked or disconnect from the server
i think i know the owner of serverseeker'
dont think we are the best of friends tho lol
I have an idea of who it is
doubt it.
but like its not my job to call people out
ur not in server scanning inc
I know im not
Other Discords exist lmao
infact they are in a server I'm in
It's great how Discord works
yeah confirmed i know who it is
funny DAM
You'd never guess which server I know em from
pfcloud :Trolley:
Well and Eve's honeypot Discord
@TaeSlyOne If you are using paper server, try this. This helps.
could you send me a link to the plugin? I would love something like this for my server
what is paper server
Papermc? can try this as well
never heard of that
What server are you using to host your Minecraft?
a computer in my house
As in what jar file my friend
Vanilla? Spigot? Forge?
Damn. Then you just need whitelist on.
Whitelist doesnt work, it will still will reconige this as a server. @TaeSlyOne I would reccomend changing the default port of your server to something a little bit off. You player base will have to put little more info in (serveriporurl:port), but it will protect against simple scanning attacks
wont work
most of em do not just go on 25565
afaik cuute does not just go on 25565 either
Yeah, I know, but it does block a handfull and is better than nothing
Yeap. All sort of random port number
Wait really? who is it??