Preventing force op
Apparently I banned a player who had access to a lot of alts, I did IP ban them but I'm fairly certain they would be able to get through it somehow. This random player appears to be in a group of force op griefers, is there a way to prevent that?
50 Replies
ipbans doesnt ban players iirc
just ip
so if they use a different ip (using a proxy/vpn etc)
they can still login
force op doesnt exist unless U do something
Thank you
So that means there's no actual way to completely get rid of a player
ban it?
just ban the account
he'll get alts
just get a antivpn
Alright thank you 👍
@LanderYT is ur server online or offline mode
Any bungeecord?
Nope just a single purpur
There used to be away but currently there none afaik
@LanderYT Sorry for all the questions btw, have they ever had op or *
I'm asking all these because there is ways to get op what isn't what people think about
Nope, all good, appreciate your help a lot
have they been creative?
Ohh commandblock way ? @ProGamingDK
and are commandblocks disabled
What u thinking about with creative? @ProGamingDK
nbt edited commandblock minecart?
spawn egg
Want me to DM u all the ways so u know for future on all the ways that ik? @ProGamingDK
So i have a creative realm where players with permissions can come and design their builds. I'm not sure why people keep being put in survival when changing dimensions/worlds
Thats why i placed a Cmd block in the creative spawn for people to use it
Ill help u fix that if u want but disable command blocks if i was u
That would be wonderful. I have no idea what's wrong with my multiverse
oh god
use seperate servers when doing creative
Can u send me ur configs for mv
I'll be home in around an hour
It seems too complicated for me to set that up, I'm sorry
@LanderYT Using servers is easier and better
I can tell u how to do that
just use velocity with modern forwarding
I understand. I just don't really intend to do so. Thank you
Ahh thats chill, Ill still help u with mv if u want
do i send the config here?
Up to u
config.yml - Pastebin is a website where you can store code/text online for a set period of time and share to anybody on earth
Wrong file sorry, I need the worlds.yml
Ikr a very risky website, Its going to take all ur diamonds
worlds.yml - Pastebin is a website where you can store code/text online for a set period of time and share to anybody on earth
What the world name @LanderYT
I'm going to assume its world_creative
Sooo if u go to line 220 off that file you'll fine " gameMode: SURVIVAL", Change it to " gameMode: CREATIVE and it should fix ur issue
Please use a paste service next time!!
Requested by <@975087792533151804>
thank you very much!
Did it work?
it didn't, i restarted the server after saving the file but when i reopen the file after the restart, it's back to survival
Give me like 20 mins to see if i can get it to happen to me
What perms plugin u using? @LanderYT
When they leave the world does it force them into survival or stay in gmc
whenever a player rejoins, they're put into survival
Can u dm me ur server ip