Setting teleport delay per rank through essentials

I'm using luckperms and I can't quite figure out how to set the delay for each rank. essentials.teleport.cooldown and essentials.teleport.cooldown.bypass don't seem to be working, can someone help with what I'm doing wrong?
7 Replies
Snow Kit
Snow Kit2y ago
have you tried using luckperm's verbose mode? for reference though, the bypass permission node is essentials.commandcooldowns.bypass.teleport, cooldown is enabled by default without a permission
Deleted User
Deleted UserOP2y ago
i can't see that after ctrl + f through the config, how would i use that?
Snow Kit
Snow Kit2y ago
/lp verbose
Deleted User
Deleted UserOP2y ago
i've set in the essentials config to have a 10s timer by default but i need to reduce it for a different rank
Snow Kit
Snow Kit2y ago
you may have to use mycommand for that instead
Deleted User
Deleted UserOP2y ago
no worries, i'll see if i can find a way around it because i don't really want to install another plugin just to perform one function - thank you for your help
Snow Kit
Snow Kit2y ago
understandable. mycommand can pick up slack from a lot of other plugins with situations like this as well

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