Survival and creative
how do i make a server where people can play survival and then when needed play creative for build comps etc
21 Replies
@Floof When u say creative do u mean like a plot world?
should be possible with a per world inventory kind of plugin. I don't know what's the current recommended plugin though
What i use for plots?
The one i used to use is discontinued, what version ur server? @Floof
Uhh 1.20
I recommend the multiverse plugin, and you could even use SimplePortals to create portals between your survival and creative world
Unless someone else knows a good one then ur best way is Snow way
Isn't multiverse plugin kinda glitchy?
Snow way?
realistically, most plugins that do an inventory per world will probably be buggy
Oh okay
and if the plugin doesn't work properly, there's a pretty high chance that they'll loose survival items or gain creative items
Yeah see i have a vague idea of using multiverse longgg ago and was told it wasn't a good idea and it would corrupt worlds
Yeah that
Not saying it's the most efficient solution, but the safest and most reliable solution would be bungeecord
but that's probably overkill as well
Agreed tbh
multiverse doesnt corrupt worlds in my experience
Myworlds is actually probably better than multiverse for this.
yeah, realistically I haven't setup a server for myself with multiple worlds in many years
I’ve personally used multiverse for several years . I’ve never had any issues with any corruption. If setup properly you should be fine. Just incase I’d be sure to do active backups (ur worlds and the mv inventories directory)
multiverse-core & multiverse-inventory
just setup prop and block commands like home & stuff in the creative world