How do I whitelist multiple people at once?
My server releases and I want everyone to be able to join at the same time
20 Replies
Modify the whitelist file directly
Where is this located?
... the root directory of your server, man.
The root folder of your server
It's literally called whitelist like what
"i identify as an idiot"
iirc it's a JSON file nowadays so you might want to do some copy paste for the formatting.
does it need the players uuid AND username?
It might resolve the UUID on its own once someone joins with that name, or it might not. 🙃
honestly will have to try it and see
wouldnt it be better to just turn whitelist off
if u need everyone to join
tbf there's valid reasons for bulk whitelisting
yeah but if he's releasing that usually means a public server
that usually dont use a whitelist
not saying there isnt a valid reason for whitelisting etc
I assume it's a closed group instead of a public 'release'
tbh no lol its a private lifesteal with 40 members. but ill use elixernondes whitelist creator tool
elixir nodes
havent heard great things about em
3.5 usd a gb for r9 3900x...
a ripoff
just their guide lol
im a cheap bastard
well its a ripoff anyways
Even if you dont decide to use it, just gonna leave this plugin here...
(may or may not have coded this a bit ago but thought it was too niche and nobody except the people i made it for would use it lol)
Release MassWhitelist v1.0.0 · TrollsterCooleg/MassWhitelist
This plugin is unlikely to recieve very much, if any, continued support.
For versions 1.18+, unless breaking changes are made to spigot api, this should work.
This plugin allows you to define group...
will say its not a great long term solution, people change usernames, but this should work for your case just peachy
lil rundown of what it does