Floating Nametag/Holographic Display and no way to remove it?!
As you can see in the images attached, I have this "Dummy" nametag floating around and no matter what I try, it won't go! I tried using the holographic displays plugin - no detection. I tried the Citizens plugin - no detection either. What can I do to remove it?

3 Replies
try decentHolograms
holographic displays is kinda outdated and meh imo
no need to swap hologram plugin, decent holgrams wont detect it either.
this is prob just a rogue armor stand. if you switch into spectator mode you should be able to see the armor stand
You can use the vanilla minecraft command to delete the armor stand. Make sure you're standing right next to it so it only kills that armor stand
if it immediately comes back after destroying it, that means theres another plugin creating it and keeping it alive. I'd recommend using the binary method to see which plugin it is
Binary search your plugins
Remove half of your non-essential (ie not things like PAPI or LuckPerm) plugins and see if the problem is fixed.
If it still persists, the cause is in the half still installed.
Continue to halve the remaining plugins until you've narrowed it down to a single plugin.
Congratulations, you found the culprit.

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