My server keeps overloaded
Hi! I send here my Spark profile, I'm getting lag.
spark is a performance profiler for Minecraft clients, servers, and proxies.
29 Replies
The CPU is described as an Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690 v2 @ 3.00GHz.Use hardware younger than the average minecraft player, not older.
What I paid and it's supossed to be an AMD Epyc
well it isnt
Who ever said epyc clearly scammed
this was suppossed
Pack 05
- CPU: AMD Epyc 7413 (8 vCores)
- RAM: 16GB DDR4 2666Mhz
- Memoria: Ilimitado SSD NVMe
- Conexión: Panel web y FTP
- Red: 10Gbps y sin limite de tráfico.
- Anti DDoS: Incluido
what host

the vps servers button on their main page takes u to a 404
all of the buttons do? or just dont do anything
does not sound like a trustworthy host
especially when they are straight up lying with the cpu
Chargeback time
nah web doesn't work well
It's used via discord
a discord host?
they told me
the intel it's because that's the VPS one
I'm not using vps
yeah its 10 year old cpu anyways...
that's why spark is detecting that because the own machine uses that
Yeah swap hosts. You're dealing with a summerhost
is there anything that lags too from server?
your cpu is 10 year old and horrible for mc
thats your main lag issue.
Platinumservers sounds like it's hosted by a 12 year old with moms credit card
is AMD Epyc 7413 better?
So just swap out hosts
its a 2 year old cpu
instead of a 10
yes its better, but its not good.
dont use it for mc
You can do a lot better
Don't use that summerhost
As someone who owns a E5-2667v2 powered machine (best single core CPU in that generation), it could barely do atm7 with 2 players max online
Update: the server is working perfectly rn
It was Alex Mobs (the leafcutter ant and some more mobs so I decided to delete the mobs)