Reduce ram usage? or at least not be at 100%
Hi, I rent/bought a server from heavynode, the specs are 5 threads of an AMD 7950x & 20gb ddr5 memory, and it's using Pterodactyl Control Panel.
render distance is 11 and simulation distance is 6
The memory usage starts at about 30% when the server boots, then steadily climbs up to 100% over the next few hours before the daily restart sets it back to 30% again.
The server is running fabric 1.20
I have anywhere from 5-25 people online at a time
current installed mods:
Simple voice chat
Fabric api
Fabric Language Kotlin
the server startup command/s are: (This is how it came, I have not edited this)
it's running on java 18 (NOT Java 18 OpenJ9) (I have the option to change this to 8/11/16/17)
Sometimes the server will just crash out of nowhere, usually its due to "out of memory" but sometimes i can't find a crash reason, and it also does not create crash reports, i am unsure why
my settings for dynmap are vlowres, i have deleted the cave and surface map for the overworld so it has to render less, i also pause it at the beginning of server start so it doesnt render anything at all,
I have not touched any configs for lithium or ferritecore.
It's possible that i have too many "optimization" mods? or maybe i need to add more JVM arguments, I really do not know.
any help really appreciated.
ask any and all questions and i will do my best to help provide what you need
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Requested by grimcyanide#0
iirc memoryleakfix causes a memory leak
thats ironic
also you should install starlight
free performance with no downside
yes, ive been meaning to, always forget
dont give mc 20 gb honestly
give it max1 6
max 16*
and leave some for overhead
I suggest using up to xnx17408M cause you also have an operation system and a panel to run too not only Minecraft
So im paying for 20 but should only use 16?
at this point it could crash the hole system
for better stability
also there's an os under the hood not only Minecraft
hes not using a vps
the os and pterodactyl also need ram
heavynode is a mc host
still the same it's a vm
yes. but ur explanation of why is wrong
u want overhead for jvm
not panel or os
if the machines ram is 20gb there are other processes that need ram that's why I said give it 17gbs
cause most Linux os use at idle around 300-2000mbs of ram
but ur not dealing with the machine
its just the jvm
ok, so ive got it set to now, that look good?
looks fine'
pterodactyl uses alpine instances
didn't know what os it was running on
can you use aikar flags?
im really not sure.
all i get is this
so you have a 20gb server?
and how much ram does it usually use
100% after a few hours, it only goes up, never down.
it starts at 30% on server launch
how many players?
usually 5-25. depends on time of day
use these flags
also use java 17 unless any of the mods require java 18
will try both these, thanks
also download this plugin and run the profiler to see what is using the most resources
spark is a performance profiler for Minecraft clients, servers, and proxies.
❌ Processing Error
The bot cannot process this Spark profile. Please use an alternative Spark profile.
Requested by eqzy#0
spark is a performance profiler for Minecraft clients, servers, and proxies.
Spark Profile Analysis
❌ Processing Error
The bot cannot process this Spark profile. It appears that the platform is not supported for analysis. Platform: Fabric
Requested by grimcyanide#0
it keep saying im using only 10/16.5 gb but the pteradactyl control panel says im at 91% ad hasnt changed or gone down in a long time
Panel shows reserved and not actual usage
Also remove alwayspretouch
It causes oom issues on pterodactyl panel
okay, removed it,
suppose i should do a restart
right, done that