WorldGuard Lavacast

On my server we allow griefing and lavacasting, but there is a protected area where you aren't supposed to be able to build or place. However, when players lavacast near this area, the lava flows into the area, and ruins the building. How do I prevent this?
19 Replies
Penguin Terminal
Use world guard, define the area, and set lava-flow flag to false. This is assuming you are using paper or other server software that supports bukkit and spigot plugins.
JermOP2y ago
I set lava-flow to deny and water-flow to deny but it still can flow into the area
Penguin Terminal
Ok, then something isnt set right. Are you sure that the entire region is covered?
JermOP2y ago
yeah I made sure to do //expand vert before defining it
Penguin Terminal
? Just use world edit to mark the corners try setting a flag and testing it to make sure its working
JermOP2y ago
I set build to deny and it works I also redefined the area
Penguin Terminal
huh, does the area overlap with spawn?
JermOP2y ago
yes it does but the spawn priority is higher than the area priority
Penguin Terminal
Ok, try turning off spawn protection in
ProGamingDk2y ago
arent those flags disabled by default unless u enable it in config
Penguin Terminal
uhh mabye? @Jerm try that I guess
ProGamingDk2y ago
No description
ProGamingDk2y ago
Penguin Terminal
ah, you are very smart, thanks for that
ProGamingDk2y ago
np reminder that they can cause lag
JermOP2y ago
oh wow
Penguin Terminal
How to Setup and Use WorldGuard / Admin Protection
The Shockbyte Knowledgebase contains hundreds of tutorials for managing your game servers for Minecraft, Hytale, ARK, Rust and more.
JermOP2y ago
This worked! Thanks
ProGamingDk2y ago

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