Spigot or paper
I'm on a server just with some friends and we want to add plugins for logs and essentials x, it is 1.20.1 and i'm wondering if we should go spigot or something else? We want all vanilla functionality but we dont want paper as it patches carpet dupe and stuff. Thanks!
25 Replies
paper in all cases
if you dont want patches you need to kinda go with fabric
as even spigot on its own changes vanilla a lot
there are mod alternatives to logging and essentialsx
what does spigot do to vanilla?
skips ticks, is horrendusly slow (so is vanilla), edits redstone mechanics in some cases etc
huh ok, can you name some alternative mods that just provide logs for chest open etc + invsee + invis ?
for fabric
that for logs https://modrinth.com/mod/ledger
https://modrinth.com/mod/invview this for invsee idk about invis tho
Inv View - Minecraft Mod
Allows you to open and manipulate the inventories and ender chests of online and offline players. Server Side
i want it just like essentials
so it removes you from tab
You can also just toggle a lot of patches
some of the most popular are patched for good tho
Which ones?
You can turn on carpet/rail dupe/tnt duping, bedrock breaking, end portal dupe
sand dupes e.g.
GitHub - Nats-ji/paper-sand-dupe-unpatched: 1.19 PaperMC Sand Dupin...
1.19 PaperMC Sand Duping. Re-enabled the sand duplication glitch in PaperMC, a minecraft server. Check releases for download. 可以刷沙子的我的世界Paper服务端 - GitHub - Nats-ji/paper-sand-dupe-unpatched: 1.19 P...
^ the link i posted does this for sand duping
its open source project that runs a git action and twice a day, pulls the latest paper build source and removes the sand duping patch, then compiles.
however, i personally use this (is working on 1.20, has some minor bugs, but sand still dupes and gets the job done)
GravityControl - Minecraft Plugin
Liberate your server from the anti-dupe bourgeoisie! Enable sand duping on your Paper server.
the developer of gravity control isnt as active, and recommend the fork, or this other plugin
No point in using that
Plugin Release - GravityControl - Sand Dupe Enabler for Paper Servers
Paper plugin to enable gravity/sand duplication
Downloads | Discord
Enable duping for each different block
Allow sand duping in only certain worlds
WorldGuard integration
Enable sand dupe on PaperMC servers
1.16-1.18+ servers. Complete cross-version compatibility. No NMS or...
paper has it's own plugin for it
oh I just saw you also sent that plugin
@Auster ^
Yup 😊