Connecting Modded and vanilla servers using Bungeecord.
Is it possible to have a Bungee cord connect to both a modded server like the create mod and a vanilla server.
I plan on using a Paper vanilla server or two using 1.20.1 and I'm wanting to have an option to add a variety of Modded servers such as Create, SkyBlock and/or VaultHunters.
I think I might be able to get it all to work with ViaVersion and ViaRewind, but I'm wondering if anyone else has any idea if this is possible, or not.
20 Replies
I have been testing it for about 2 weeks to get this to work. and the only info I can find on using ViaVersion with BungeeCord is to make sure both mods are up to date. Nothing about what settings to use and if you can connet modded clients and vanilla clients together.
What I'm wondering is if anyone knows if I can route a Modded 1.16 client to the modded server and route the 1.21.1 to the vanilla servers.
What I'm wondering is if anyone knows if I can route a Modded 1.16 client to the modded server and route the 1.21.1 to the vanilla servers.Probably best to either have a lobby that lets users select what server they want, or for the Forge servers, use forced hosts with bungeecord alternatively, if you just want people to connect to your forge server using a hostname, but without having to specify a port, you can ditch bungeecord and use srv records instead ignore the part where it says udp is a valid protocol option for srv records, that's incorrect, only java supports srv records
Okay, but what version would the lobby be?
you'll want to install viaversion on the servers instead of bungeecord, but as long as you have viaversion and viabackwards, it can be any version
okay, I'll give it a shot. I was having issues getting the modded client to connect to vanilla. (I don't play modded very much)
yeah, there might be issues, it's preferred typically to just use either SRV records or forced hosts to bypass the lobby
bungeecord isn't really relavent with forge servers, as their modded client won't be used to play on the vanilla servers or any other modded servers
use waterfall and not bungeecord anyways
its a 1 step change and is just a overall improvement
yeah, waterfall, for a while at least, had better forge support. You can think of bungeecord vs waterfall as like spigot vs paper
(waterfall is made by the paper team)
velocity is better than all of em honestly
except for plugin amount
Okay, Thank you I have some testing to do.
I've been trying to find some solutions for a while now, this was the first place I actually got a response!
From experience, mixing modpacks and real servers are a pain in the ass and doesn't work properly
realistically, the best solution is using a srv record, proxies aren't required for Forge servers
Especially if you want to use a lobby. I tried Velocity, Waterfall and Bungeecord. If you connect to the lobby (thats a "vanilla" server), but you join with a modpack, and if you then select the modded server, it doesnt work to connect because it doesnt know to load the mods
I guess I was mostly hopping that if they joined with the Modpack it would just send them straight to the modded server. Connecting to the lobby would be great, but I can see that might be an unrealistic dream at this point.
that's what an srv record does
they'd type and they'd instantly join your atm8 server
completely bypassing velocity/bungee
all you would do is add an srv record saying points to on port 25568
okay. and the additional piece that I didn't mention was hoping to have patreon handle whitelist for various servers, so some would be free/low cost and higher teirs could join multiple servers.
but that feels like an issue for a different time. 🤪
there's this
GitHub - PotatoDotJar/Whitelist-Sync-2: A mod that allows you to sy...
A mod that allows you to sync the whitelists and ops list from multiple Forge and Spigot servers together using one MySQL or SQlite database! - GitHub - PotatoDotJar/Whitelist-Sync-2: A mod that al...
luckperms also supports mysql and instantly syncing permissions cross servers just using mysql
Okay, I knew something would do it, but first I wanted to get the other stuff tested before working on that!
Thank you so much! I'll take all the info from other's knowlege I can get!