How many CPU cores should I have on my server?
I saw that I maybe don't need the 4 cores I'm currently paying for. How true is this?
I'm trying to host a modded 1.20 server for a group of friends where we usually reach a max of 7-8 players at peak hours. I currently have 4 CPU cores and 6gb of ram. Should I reduce the amount of cores I'm using for more ram?
7 Replies
we're currently running 100-ish mods and are planning to have way more as mods update
what cpu?
Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz
mainly choose a CPU with good single core speeds 4 core would be fine
but do servers actually use all 4 cores or could i cheap out on it a bit?
u can try, think halving it should work as well
I kinda need to know before i make a change like that, since afaik i'd have to wait for the next bill to change/upgrade my server
wouldnt want my server to perform poorly for a whole month