MyCommand Overlay Feature Support

Hey. I could really use some help in mycommand, particularly with the overlay feature. So I'm trying to make it so when you mute a player (I use Litebans), it gives them a permission like I'd like to use that for various different commands and features later on. Anyways, I came across the overlay perfect and it seemed absolutely perfect for what I needed. However, it's not working. This is what I did, and when executed (after having tried both a restart and a command reload), the mute command function normally as though there is no overlay. I also tried it without the ' ' on each line under runcmd.
command: /mute
- '$RUN_CONSOLE$lp user $arg1 permission settemp true $arg2'
- '$text$hi'
overlay: true
command: /mute
- '$RUN_CONSOLE$lp user $arg1 permission settemp true $arg2'
- '$text$hi'
overlay: true
Aditionally, the gamemode example on the wiki isn't working. I copied it word for word, reloaded, and when i did /gamemode creative, it just put me in creative without executing the overlay first. The only time the overlay worked was when I replaced /gamemode with /sun for some reason, and it worked. I even tried it with /fireball, and it didn't work then either. I'd really appreciate any help with this
3 Replies
SuperOP2y ago
how do i edit it? litebans doesn support that thats why im trying to fidn an alternative way to give the perm out yeah it does and im in it. theres nothing he can do and i already suggested adding a perms feature when u mute someone mhm i cant code though so thats why im looking for alternative ways to do it and the perm thing would have worked well if only i could get it working i dont think honestly. ive already talked to him about it so idk yeah fair enough. i would learn to code its just i dont have the time now and cant afford asking someone to make a plugin
Snow Kit
Snow Kit2y ago
Probably, if a plugin was made specifically to do this, it would be best to add muted players to a vault group
SuperOP2y ago
i wish mycommand overlay was just working as it should be cuz the. this would have all been solved easily

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