
Hey, I am just curious on if anybody has experience in server sharding. Basically the bridging between 2 servers where the players can still chat, have the same data and items, but 2 different servers. Any help would be helpful :)
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MrMcyeet2y ago
I'm familiar with the concept of sharding with discord bots, but not Minecraft servers... Do you mean something like multipaper? So something like,, or
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
Bungeecord+redisbungee maybe?
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
the players can still chat
same data and items
sounds like he wants to do this on a non-proxy server
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
You can use a chat plugin that is cross server, venture chat comes to mind. Data and items = redisbungee

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