Admincraft9mo ago

Installing Pterodactyl

So I was planning to install pterodactyl, and found the docs here I was planning to follow: https://pterodactyl.io/panel/1.0/getting_started.html Though I had a question about the dependencies to start. From my understanding the "Example Dependency Installation" section should be everything that I need, other than the "composer" dependency, correct? If so, I guess I'm wondering if all the curl commands are the best way to install the dependencies. I only ask because for docker, their install docs say that the "convenience script" using curl is only recommended for testing and development environments. I guess I wasn't sure what exactly that means, but I avoided the "convenience script" and was wondering if any other of the dependencies for pterodactyl were the same where there was a better way to install them. If I'm totally off base, please let me know as well.
72 Replies
Admincraft Meta
Admincraft Meta9mo ago
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ProGamingDk9mo ago
you will be just fine (dependency install wise) by installing pterodactyl by just following the guide, aslong as you have a supported OS
9tt2OP9mo ago
Ok, can do. I wasn't sure due to some concerns I saw about other convenience scripts. Also, for debian install, do you know what I'd want to select for "software selection"?
ProGamingDk9mo ago
dont use debian desktop so just ssh server should be fine and standard system utilities (i generally dont use debian, and stick to ubuntu)
9tt2OP9mo ago
It auto selected desktop environment, gnome, and standard system utilities. I figure I need system utils, but wasn't sure about anything else. Yeah SSH server is there, but wasn't sure if it was something less obvious than basic ssh capability. And ah, why ubuntu over debian?
ProGamingDk9mo ago
Debian 11 & 12 | Pterodactyl
Pterodactyl is an open-source game server management panel built with PHP, React, and Go. Designed with security in mind, Pterodactyl runs all game servers in isolated Docker containers while exposing a beautiful and intuitive UI to end users.
ProGamingDk9mo ago
personal choice both work fine + ptero's official guide is based on ubuntu
9tt2OP9mo ago
I only thought Debian since that's what all my Pis basically run, I think. and ah, gotcha. mb I guess I can just wipe it and start over if something goes wrong. Here now: https://pterodactyl.io/panel/1.0/getting_started.html#installation It specifies mysql, but I was recomended to install mariadb. Are the commands the same or am I missing something?
Skullians9mo ago
Debian 11 & 12 | Pterodactyl
Pterodactyl is an open-source game server management panel built with PHP, React, and Go. Designed with security in mind, Pterodactyl runs all game servers in isolated Docker containers while exposing a beautiful and intuitive UI to end users.
9tt2OP9mo ago
Yeah, Im paste that point and back on the main doc instructions. Im at the isntallation section sudo isn't working so i was running the install commands as root, which im not sure if thats a big deal or not??? But when I got to the composer install --no-dev command, it said not to use root, so I switched back to regular account, but it gave an error that vendor directory does not exist and count not be created. Then got an error in the php key gen command and when I got to the Back up your encryption key warning, I checked the .env file and app_key is empty.
Skullians9mo ago
you should always be as root Ignore what composer says, just say ‘yes’
9tt2OP9mo ago
oh, ok. rip. let me try it again hope you're not joshin me
ProGamingDk9mo ago
nope thats what youre meant to do
Skullians9mo ago
always be as root. Number one point. If anything warns you ignore it
9tt2OP9mo ago
always a good procedure
Skullians9mo ago
well always ‘read’ the warns but don’t necessarily act upon them depends xd
9tt2OP9mo ago
Yeah, I get that. Helps if you know what theyre talking about lol I know just enough linux to break stuff
Skullians9mo ago
one thing pterodactyl lacks is the ease of install like yeah, if you can read documentation you’re fine but one thing that panels like Moonlight are doing well are the one line installs and the cli they offer for things like updating, logs
9tt2OP9mo ago
so that's why you recommended moonlight?
ProGamingDk9mo ago
you can use pterodactyl docker install which does ease the install sometimes but yeah pelican going docker primary install is gonna be interesting
9tt2OP9mo ago
is the php artisan p:environment:setup stuff required? It starts by asking email, but idk what it wants it for or what else it will ask for
Skullians9mo ago
Well among other things (such as it actually being in development lmfao) but Moonlight v2 is in EA and there isn’t things like schedules, .zip unloads, ftp (yet) yeah just don’t do the environment:mail one (further down in the docs) assuming you don’t want a mail server which you typically dont
9tt2OP9mo ago
So skip php artisan p:environment:mail?
Skullians9mo ago
yes but do the other two the setup & database
9tt2OP9mo ago
but do
php artisan p:environment:setup
php artisan p:environment:database
php artisan p:environment:setup
php artisan p:environment:database
? Does the datat go anywhere or is it local?
Skullians9mo ago
If it asks for an email, do a fake one or whatever, doesn’t matter local it’s just for the setup of ptero
9tt2OP9mo ago
can I change them later?
ProGamingDk9mo ago
these are easy setup methods for .env so yes can be changed
9tt2OP9mo ago
Ah ok, mb. thanks nano is too hard? lol, or vi if I wanna get stuck
Skullians9mo ago
nano isn’t hard at all, just use the arrow keys to navigate, then CTRL + X, then Y to save buffer or whatever you can use vim if you want (I wouldn’t unless you prefer it) but nano is fine
9tt2OP9mo ago
Yeah, no I've used nano. just sarcasm
Skullians9mo ago
sorry, I just woke up
9tt2OP9mo ago
didn't you just wake up like 12 hours ago as well? maybe that was someone else ha
Skullians9mo ago
12 hours ago would be midnight for me I was awake at like 2am then slept
9tt2OP9mo ago
now it's asking about application url, is that like local url for access or like what my ddns would be. right now I just want to set it up locally and once I figure it out I can open it up
Skullians9mo ago
If you’re using a domain, then it would be your domain (https). If not, it’s public IP (http) so if I was using a domain (e.g. panel.domain.com) I would put https://panel.domain.com
Jenkins9mo ago
The installation isn't that hard to be fair, the docs explain it very well
Skullians9mo ago
Jenkins9mo ago
For me it was very explanatory
Skullians9mo ago
Some things could be clearer
Skullians9mo ago
Like the composer thing
Jenkins9mo ago
It's fine There are some worse stuff
Skullians9mo ago
yeah true
9tt2OP9mo ago
I left the App URL blank, so hopefully thats not an issue for the moment?
Skullians9mo ago
why? you can’t connect the panel without the app url xd
9tt2OP9mo ago
Can't connect externally or internally? Right now Im just trying to set it up for me to figure stuff out with the system
Skullians9mo ago
well kind of both plus you need to use the same app url for the webserver configuration which is later
9tt2OP9mo ago
so can I just put the server ip for now? like local ip address that my router gives out
Skullians9mo ago
put the public IP yeah (http://xxx.xx.x.x/) or whatever or you can do local yeah mhm and do the same for webserver configuration when you get to it
9tt2OP9mo ago
ok, manually wrote that with nano since I already did the rest of that setup portion so hopefully I didnt break anything so far
Skullians9mo ago
yeah that’s fine
Jenkins9mo ago
@9tt2Do you intend on sharing the panel with other people?
9tt2OP9mo ago
Not at the moment. Right now I'm just testing anyway. Once I figure it out, likely not but I figured I can fix it later.
Jenkins9mo ago
You could use Tailscale and not expose the panel to the internet It's somewhat easy to setup The basic rule is that you don't expose shit to the internet if you don't know what you're doing I'm a pretty big Tailscale guy lol
9tt2OP9mo ago
Right now I use WG to access things on my network.
Jenkins9mo ago
That works too
9tt2OP9mo ago
So now I'm at the webserver config, should I set up ssl right away or will that have issues since I set the app_url to a local ip? I don't plan to have ports exposed to it for the moment anyway either so not sure if it would renew the certs correctly anyway.
Skullians9mo ago
SSL is only for domains so if you’re configuring SSL you need a domain and yes, typically domain is the same as app url this can all be changed in the future permitting you change .env, webserver and wings node config
9tt2OP9mo ago
Ok, that's kinda what I thought but wanted to check. Wasn't sure since I think I set up ssl for some location ips in the past, but can't recall the process exactly. At the enabling swap portion if Wings install (https://pterodactyl.io/wings/1.0/installing.html#enabling-swap), I didn't get WARNING: No swap limit support warning. Does that mean I don't need to do anything with the swapaccount stuff? Had a hard time finding relevant info on it when I googled swapaccount, but did find this:
swapaccount= has been deprecated as of <external link>. The kernel now always behaves as if swapaccount=1 is specified.
swapaccount= has been deprecated as of <external link>. The kernel now always behaves as if swapaccount=1 is specified.
Not sure if that is correct or not. It says it's not needed, so if I do need to modify it, I should be able to do it later, right?
ProGamingDk9mo ago
9tt2OP9mo ago
Ok, then I shouldn't have to update grub or reboot, so can go to actually installing wings. cool What are the consequences of public vs private node visibility? Right not I'm just going to run everything local, for testing, so not sure which I should select. I see this By setting a node to private you will be denying the ability to auto-deploy to this node., but don't really know how lack of auto-deploy would impact my usage or management of the node/servers. Also, do I need to really set anything in "New Node" Configuration section if it's just a single mode for the server? I'm guessing you can have multiple servers per node, which I think would be fine for me right now (?), but not sure if leaving them plank with just default to use whatever resources it needs or whatnot.
ProGamingDk9mo ago
nothing really if you arent a host its meant for api use with something like whmcs for hosting providers
9tt2OP9mo ago
gotcha, so set it to private should be fine, if not totally necessary?
ProGamingDk9mo ago
both work fine, would just keep it at public
9tt2OP9mo ago
Ok thanks, and do you know about the Configuration section I mentioned?
ProGamingDk9mo ago
well yes, you need to change memory, memory overallocation, disk, disk overallocation, fqdn (so full ip or domainname), node name
9tt2OP9mo ago
Yeah, all the "base details" I have set, I'm talking about this section but from your repsonse it seems that's still a "yes".
No description
ProGamingDk9mo ago
9tt2OP9mo ago
Memory I will have to figure out myself I guess, but for disk space, do you have a recommendation for a node that may have like a dozen on/off servers? I think I have a 1TB drive in it right now, so space shouldn't be too big a concern I think. Right now this is just local usage for testing
ProGamingDk9mo ago
just like 800 gb, you can subdivide after its a changeable number
9tt2OP9mo ago
Ok, thanks Ok, think I have everything installed correctly. Now I just need to figure out how to set up an actual MC instance. thanks for all the help.

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