Improve Ram
I have a large world size and a lot of plugins. How can I easily reduce ram usage?
46 Replies
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Requested by kkbutter2281#0
(Note - its a paper server)
Can you send me your startup parameters and about how many plugins/mods you have?
Actually no i cant my server host got backended (fking surf)
im switching now
Well, when you can - ping me with that info
I know that I just had the regular startup script with maxrampercentage 85
but thats all
You want to use Aikar flags
at the bare minimum
make sure to leave 1-2gb overhead
so if your host gave you 8gb use 6gb here
i have 6gb
so 5gb used?
try 4.5
Here are my plugins
wait sorry
gimme a sec
that is unreadable xd
[10:42:55 INFO]: Paper Plugins:
[10:42:55 INFO]: - EconomyShopGUI, FancyNpcs, MarriageMaster
[10:42:55 INFO]: Bukkit Plugins:
[10:42:55 INFO]: - AntiCurse, AuctionHouse, BetterRTP, BungeeGuard, Chunky, ChunkyBorder, ClearLag, CMI, CMILib, CommandPanels
[10:42:55 INFO]: CoreProtect, CraftingStore, Discord-Linker, dynmap, Elevators, ExcellentCrates, EzChestShop, floodgate, *GoogleTranslate, GSit
[10:42:55 INFO]: Jobs, LaggRemover, LuckPerms, MapPlugin, MapTowny, mcMMO, MiniMOTD, Movecraft, MTVehicles, Multiverse-Core
[10:42:55 INFO]: NBTAPI, nightcore, *NotchAppleCrafter, PlaceholderAPI, ProtocolLib, SimplePets, Skoice, *SpigotWebFramework, TAB, Tebex
[10:42:55 INFO]: Towny, TownyResources, Vault, ViaBackwards, ViaVersion, Votifier, VotingPlugin, WorldEdit, WorldGuard, zDiscord
All of them but movecraft are enabled
oh dynmap
and cmi
ClearLag, Laggremover
I have them both
And somehow we still lag
make a spark report then
Don't use Mob Stacking/Clear Lag plugins
Let's say IRL you are tasked with keeping 50 trees (pretend these are your entities in game) in your yard, but some asshat (clearlagg) comes around every 5 minutes and chops them all down. It's your job to make sure there's always 50 trees planted at a MINIMUM. So you have to go plant more. Then Mr. Asshat comes along 5 minutes later and chops them down again (rinse and repeat).
Same could be said about any mob stacking plugins. imagine you have to keep 50 trees in your land, but some asshat (mob stacker) deletes 49 of them and puts a sign on that 1 remaining tree that says ""x50"". There's really only 1 tree there, and you still have to keep a MINIMUM of 50, so you plant 49 more.
Admincraft Canned Responses
dynamp is laggy as fuck
CMI has an active /tpall exploit afaik
this is a version of cmi before the exploit
but if you're lagging
make a spark
how do you know?
@professor what cmi ver are you
pl3xmap is the smoothest from my experience
depends on your preference
both are shit
sooo, not surprised
velocity modern forwarding > bungeeguard
bungee guard is better?
no i forgot how shark teeth worked
or whatever that is called
nice one
firewall >
the proper solution
but most shared hosts dont support it
you can probably ask
i dont see a reason why they wouldnt be able to set one
because most use ptero and the default internal allocations would still allow people on the same node to access it
so yeah better, but not perfect
Use lag fixxer plugin
:pepecross: :minecraftTroll:
some hosts have internalized splits that are locked to the users plan
that was aj oke
a joke*
what do i use then
its not a good idea
NOTHING, just pregen, optimize config and thats about it
get better hardware
Use better server jar
or that yes