Player statistics
Hi, does anyone know how do I check other player's data as admin/operator? I have some files in world//stats/ folder but all are names by scrambled mess so I have no idea which data is from what person
18 Replies
Convert file name
UUID Decoder |
UUID Decoder. Enter a UUID to see version information, and more.
Best is to lookup the player's name on logs
Typically logs would have something like "Player (something) joined with an UUID of (uuid something)"
a lil off-topic but okay
bit it's like 6 digit long only when someone joins
No it isn't?
The file names containing the statistics are in the user's UUID
You convert the uuid, you get the username. The stats for the user are in the file.
I've tried to decode a player's uuid but got this instead, is there something wrong in my end ?
Cracked server moment.
That's a V3 UUID, not a V4uuid
lol i took it from my offline localhost server
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lol i was about to pull out this pic to counter Leche's statement, this time i use the valid minecraft player one
the decode would somehow useful but at least not in this case
any mod that could help with it? preferably only server side, for forge 1.20.1?
not really no afaik, namemc is the easiest
uh, name mc can show deaths?
"I have some files in world//stats/ folder but all are names by scrambled mess so I have no idea which data is from what person"
namemc would be able to show you what player the data is from
how I can do it then
take the file name, remove the .json or whatever at the end and put that in namemc
404 no found
I've found a command
/list uuids
and yeah it's accurate