mystry hologram - not made with any plugins i know of
so i have a server that was bungered, bassically a group that tells you to fix server security and they left a hologram
i want to keep it but it is also in the way
i will haev my plugins list inthe images
i checked for any files named holograms in the server files or any commands in game
thanks for any help
i want to either remove the hologram or if possible move it to a shrinet type area
12 Replies
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Requested by zeyzy#0
i guess...
/kill @e[type=! player]
this kills every entity besides playerwont that kill mobs to?
(this is a largish multiplayerserver with like 600 members in the discord)
oh nvm
/kill @e[distance=..7]
should that work?
i mixed our commands and made
and it worked after a few times of moving around to get all the entitys
do !solved in here
i edited the post tags
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Requested by zeyzy#0