Looking for a mob stacking solution for Forge, minecraft version 1.20.1.

Currently running a Minecraft Forge server. I'm looking for a solution to stack mobs, similar to the Spigot plugins. I haven't been able to find any in this regard. As this may be relevant information, performance mods we are using include: Alternate Current Better Chunk Loading Better FPS Canary Chunk Sending Connectivity Embeddium Embeddium Extra Embeddium++ Fast Async Worldsave Fastload Ferritecore Fix GPU Memory Leak Krypton Reforged Modern Fix Saturn Server performance - Smooth Chunk Save Starlight Yeetus Experimentus We also have a few performance profiler mods such as Spark and Observable.
28 Replies
Admincraft Meta
Admincraft Metaβ€’8mo ago
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Requested by empmortakatentheemperor#0
Skulliansβ€’8mo ago
There is none to my knowledge Are you experiencing lag? !spark if so, make a spark report with the command shown in the embed below
Carl-botβ€’8mo ago
Spark Profiler
Spark can be used to see why your server or client is lagging. Users can share a spark report via /spark profiler start --timeout 300 which creates a report after 5 minutes. The spark report is useful in debugging why your server is lagging, so ideally you should always provide one while asking for support. Download | Website | Docs
From An unknown user
Admincraft Canned Responses
Empmortakaten the Emperor
Not as of yet, but one of my players wants to build a massive chicken farm for... some project and he ran it by me first. I figured I'd try to get ahead of the problem before it becomes a problem because, knowing him, it's liable to be a couple of thousand chickens.
Skulliansβ€’8mo ago
A mod that aims to optimize the minecraft server. 5.3M Downloads | Mods
Skulliansβ€’8mo ago
A couple thousand chickens is just not practical. Even a hundred chickens is too much If they want food make a hoglin farm
Empmortakaten the Emperor
I'm very aware it's not practical, part of why I want to try to get ahead of the problem. 🀣
ProGamingDkβ€’8mo ago
if you werent on fabric you had a chance
Skulliansβ€’8mo ago
Tell them not to do that many chickens
ProGamingDkβ€’8mo ago
some plugins lets you disable ai after x amount
Empmortakaten the Emperor
I have In Control for that which includes this functionality. πŸ™‚ I told him it was a tentative no, but I would see if I could find a mob stacker for him. If not then it was a firm no. πŸ™‚
ProGamingDkβ€’8mo ago
that wouldnt work, shouldnt mob stack natural or breeded mobs breeded is a bit better but still
Empmortakaten the Emperor
In Control is a mod that specifically lets you disable mobs when certain thresholds are reached. In this case I can set it so that when we have over X amount of chickens, no new chickens can spawn/be bred/hatch. You can view it here. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/in-control
In Control!
Be In Control of mob spawns 64.6M Downloads | Mods
ProGamingDkβ€’8mo ago
defeats the whole point of his farm tho, wasnt that what you didnt want i might be misunderstanding
Skulliansβ€’8mo ago
If you start lagging and see it’s because of his farm
Empmortakaten the Emperor
...I reread what you wrote and I think I misunderstood. My dyslexia told me no.
Skulliansβ€’8mo ago
just tell him to reduce the chicken count
Empmortakaten the Emperor
If he gets too many chickens I will cull them. I'm already keeping an eye on it and told him as such. πŸ™‚ Do you have a link to one of these plugins that disables the AI, and is it Forge compatible?
ProGamingDkβ€’8mo ago
nope plugins arent forge compatible also, note fabric/forge doesnt have async mobspawning so the mob spawning itself will still cause spikes
Empmortakaten the Emperor
I'm not using Fabric, I'm using Forge specifically. πŸ™‚
ProGamingDkβ€’8mo ago
sorry, doesnt change anything*
Skulliansβ€’8mo ago
^ !hybrid
Carl-botβ€’8mo ago
Please Avoid Hybrid Servers
Please avoid using server software that combines both mod and plugin APIs, such as Mohist, Magma, Cauldron, Thermos, CatServer, Cardboard, and others. These server software clash, as Bukkit was made for plugins and Forge for mods. Mixing them requires significant changes to the Bukkit API and Forge server code. If not done correctly, both plugins and mods can act strangely. Using these will almost guaranteed cause strange issues that make it near-impossible to assist. If you are running 1.8 or 1.16.5, a good alternative to these is SpongeForge, a well-engineered solution that allows running Sponge plugins alongside Forge mods. Many Bukkit plugins also have Sponge ports. Further reading: - https://essentialsx.net/do-not-use-mohist.html - <https://pixelmonmod.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=29799%3E
Admincraft Canned Responses
Skulliansβ€’8mo ago
Check out ServerCore (I linked it earlier) it may have some useful features
Empmortakaten the Emperor
Yeah, that was my understanding that plugs and mods don't play well together.
Skulliansβ€’8mo ago
Empmortakaten the Emperor
I have it open and have been skimming it while talking. It definitely looks useful and is likely to be added. πŸ™‚ I appreciate the villager lobotomisation. The vanilla villagers are very... inefficient in their coding.
Skulliansβ€’8mo ago

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